The AMITEK Hawk RAM Test program should be run by first booting Workbench,
inserting the AMITEK disk into any drive and clicking on the AMITEK floppy disk icon.
Finally, double-click on the AMITEK_Hawk_RAM_Test program icon.
Program operation is very straightforward:
A small window will appear in the middle of the screen. This main information panel
will display the amount of RAM to which the jumpers are set. If this value varies from
the amount of RAM you have installed, then review the jumper settings on the board.
The information window will also give details of any FPU that you may have installed.
If you do not have an FPU installed then the message ‘FPU: Not Installed’ is
displayed in the status window.
A couple of radio-style buttons labelled SLOW and FAST are used to select the depth
of RAM testing. FAST will do an efficient and quick test of your RAM . The SLOW
mode adds an extra test which does a more thorough examination of the memory.
The button labelled RAM TEST starts the process which, once begun, cannot be
aborted, and the EXIT button quits the program.
Should you require more information about the Hawk diagnostic program and more
in-depth details about the theory behind the software, you will find it by double-
clicking on the text document called AMITEK_Hawk_RAM_Test.doc. If you have an
additional floppy disk drive or hard disk drive, you may prefer to run the
AMITEK_Hawk_RAM_Test.guide.doc. This has been written in Amiga Guide format
which should be set up through your directory pathway. Should you not know how to
do this, please refer to your Amiga manual.
©AMITEK, 1993. All rights reserved. This manual and the information contained on the
floppy disk are copyright. The owner of this product is entitled to use it for his or her own
personal use. No one may transfer, give or sell any part of the manual, or the information
on the disk without the prior permission of AMITEK.