Caution: Read
before installing
this product
• To ensure correct installation, please
read this guide carefully and keep in
a safe place for future reference.
• Install this product in a cool, dry,
clean place - away from direct
sunlight and heat sources, cold
bridges, vibration, chemical fumes,
dust and moisture (steam).
• Do not clean this product with
chemical solvents as this may cause
damage to the finish. Use a clean, dry
or damp cloth.
• Ensure that all installation mounting
surfaces are able to support the
weight of the BackboxSW plus that of
your chosen speaker.
• Do not attempt to modify or repair
the product. Contact your distributor
or manufacturer if it is faulty or
damaged in any way.
• Installation of the BackboxSW will
require the use of power tools.
Ensure that all personnel working
on an installation are fully trained
in the use of these power tools and
are adequately protected from the
dangers of dust and noise.
aware that whilst this product
reduces the rearward sound
output of the loudspeaker some
vibrational energy may still travel
some considerable distance
up, down and along the wall or
ceiling structure. It is therefore
recommended the product be
fitted in conjunction with vibration
absorbing materials to minimise
these effects.
WARNING: No attempt should be
made to install this product within
existing building structures unless
you are certain that no electric
cables, water pipes, gas pipes or
load bearing will be cut through.
Thank you for purchasing the Amina
Technologies BackboxSW. This product
has been designed to be used in the
installation of Amina Series Invisible
Loudspeakers into solid (eg. brick,
concrete) walls and ceilings. Constructed
from stainless steel, the BackboxSW is
rugged enough to be installed early in
the build process.
NOTE: BackboxSW is not suitable for
installation of Amina Series Invisible
Loudspeakers into partition walls.
Installation is simple, however, please
follow this guide carefully as it contains
important advice on speaker alignment
for plastering and the reduction of
structural sound energy transference.
This BackboxSW design includes a
removable plastic trim that is aligned
during installation to a level 2mm behind
the final plaster skim covering to ensure
that the BackboxSW sits at exactly the
correct depth in the cavity.
The BackboxSW also includes a recycled
denim absorption pad to improve the
acoustic performance and reduce sound
transmission into the wall.
There are three different versions of the
BackboxSW to match different speaker
types. These are listed in the table below.
Compatible speakers
SW 345
Evolution series except
S200 models and
AIW750i HF panels.
SW 300
iQ series and LFieMT
SW 200
Evolution S200 models
and AIW750i HF panels.
Ensure that you are installing the correct
model of BackboxSW for the speakers
you will be installing.