Dear customer!
Thank you for choosing an Amica product. For years we have de-
livered high-quality appliances, so that household chores become
a real pleasure. Before being packaged and leaving the manufac-
turer, the appliance was thoroughly checked with regard to safety
and functionality. We also endeavour to make sure that modern
technology in Amica products always goes hand in hand with a
unique design.
Before using the appliance, please carefully read these Operat-
ing Instructions Follow these instruction to avoid improper use
and ensure long and reliable operation of the appliance. Learn the
principles of the safe use to avoid accidents.
Store these operating instructions in a safe place to use them for
reference whenever needed. These Operating Instructions contain
all the necessary information that will make the use of your Amica
appliance simple and fun. We also encourage you to find out more
about other Amica appliances.
We hope using your new appliance is a pleasure.