WEG warrants its products against defects in workmanship
and materials for 18 months from the invoice date issued by the
factory, authorized distributor or agent limited to 24 months from
manufacturing date independent of installation date as long as
the following items are fulfilled accordingly:
- Proper transportation, handling and storage;
- Correct installation based on the specified ambient conditions
and free of corrosive gases;
- Operation under motor capacity limits;
- Observation of the periodical maintenance services;
- Repair and/or replacement effected only by personnel duly
authorized in writing by WEG;
- The failed product be available to the supplier and/or repair shop
for a required period to detect the cause of the failure and
corresponding repair;
- Immediate notice by the purchaser about failures occured and
that these are accepted by WEG as manufacturing defects.
This warranty does not include disassembly services at the
urchaser facilities, transportation costs with product, tickets,
accomodation and meals for technical personnel when requested
by the customer. The warranty service will be only carried out at
WEG Authorized Repair Shops or at WEG´s facilities.
Components whose useful life, under normal use, is shorter
than the warranty period are not covered by these warranty terms.
The repair and/or replacement of parts or components, when
effected by WEG and/or any WEG Authorized Repair Shop, will not
give warranty extension.
This constitutes WEG´s only warranty in connection with this
sale and the company will have no obligation or liability whatsoever
to people, third parties, other equipment or installations, including
without limitation, any claims for consequential damages or labor