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MTG/AMF Cassette Holder Ring - catalogue number – 65-8040--4001
1 - MTG/AMF Cassette Alignment Ring
2 - MTG/AMF Cassette Holder Ring
Please contact your supplier for ordering these tools.
Understanding the cartridge cassettes’ arrangement:
Important Note:
Prior to performing the actual work it is very important to understand the special arrangement of the cassettes in the
filter’s cartridge! Improper assembly of the cartridge will lead to filter malfunction and to a significant damage!
Two types of cassettes are used in the cartridge:
Centralized nipples cassette type (as appears at the picture’s right side)
Shifted nipples cassette type (as appears at the picture’s left side)
Make sure that you have the correct spare parts before disassembling the cartridge.
35 cassettes are connected to a single joined-in collector pipe and form a package. The connector holes in the join-in
connector are arranged so the two types of cassettes are used alternatively: