Seite 16 von 19
AMG Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
Industrial Park Road A-9
39245 Gommern
Phone 039200-7797-0
Freecall 0800-2264264*
Fax 039200-7797-29
Business hours are 8-17 clock, outside this time an answering machine is switched
*) free of charge from the German fixed network and all German mobile networks
Now the update will be installed, make sure that the power supply is not interrupted
during this period, that update could otherwise cause damage to the recorder. After the
successful update the recorder restarts, it may happen that you have to re-teach the
cameras afterwards. An update only needs to be done if it is necessary and we can
provide the right firmware update, it is not always necessary
Mounting Dom-Camera
Step 1:
Open the housing by pressing the safety catch (Image 1).
Step 2:
Take the housing upwards (Fig.3). Now you should have the dome camera as in picture4.
Image 1
Image 2
Abbildung kann vom Original abweichen
Pictures may differ
from the original