AMERICOM 7010S Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 29

Содержание 7010S Series

Страница 1: ...AMERICOM Digital Telephone System System User s Guide ...

Страница 2: applicable for the following system and telephone models System Models DO408 Rev A and later DO816 Rev C and later D1632 Rev Aand later Telephone Models 701os xx 7016S XX 7102X Xx 711os xx 7110x xx 7116S XX 7116X Xx ...

Страница 3: ...ial Programming 29 StationSpeedDial Programming 32 Response MessageProgramming 32 Automatic RedialProgramming 33 AssistButton Programming 33 Using MiscellaneousFeatures 35 AccountCodeEntry 3 5 AutomaticSetRelocation 35 BackgroundMusic 35 Call Forwarding 36 Call OverrideFeatures 36 CallWaiting 7 DepartmentalStationOperation 37 Display ContrastAdjustment 38 Do Not Disturb 38 MuteButton 9 Paging 3 9 ...

Страница 4: ...Table of Contents continued Glossary 4 7 Index 5 1 Figures 1 16 Line LCD Speakerphone 4 2 lo Line Monitor Telephone 5 Tables 1 Quick ReferenceGuide 41 2 Display Summary 42 iV ...

Страница 5: ...esesectionstell youhow to l Answer calls l Makecalls l Hold calls Transferoutsidecalls Make conferencecalls l Leavemessages l Programyourtelephone and l Performmiscellaneousfunctions For yourconvenience a quickreferenceguide a glossaryandan alphabeticalindexareincludedin thebackof this userguide If you haveanLCD speakerphone Figurel Table3 givesyou asummaryof whatyouwill seein thedisplayandwhenyou...

Страница 6: ...lectsan intercomline Initiatesmany of thefeaturesof thetelephone l Ringer Volume Control LO HI OFF Lets youvary ringervolumefrom low tohigh to off l TAP Button must be preprogrammed for either function Recallsdial tone or Activateshostsystemfeatures l Transfer ConferenceButton TRANSKONF Transferscalls setsup conferencecalls l Mute Button Keepstirepersonon theline from hearingyour conversation Adju...

Страница 7: ...S Showwhich lines areeitherin useor on hold red light Showwhich lines arein useby you greenlight l Dual Line Alphanumeric Display Displaystime dayanddate Keepsyou apprisedof thestatusof yourtelephone Providesprogrammingprompts l HeadsetJack usedonly with a 16 linespeakerphone Allows you to useyourtelephoneprivatelyand handsfree Helpsimprove operationof high call volumebusinesses 3 ...

Страница 8: ...Dual Lamps red and green F Programmable Buttons Lines or DSS BLF t Programmable Buttons J Programmable Buttons Lines or DSSIBLF Auto Redial Button Default Voice Announce Block Button Default Light Button Control Button Figure 1 16 Button LCD Speakerphone Do Not Disturb Button Default rl I I _ _ _ __ ...

Страница 9: ...Buttons Transfer Conference I I 7 HoldJ Message Waiting I I J Volume Intercom 1 Dual Lamps Red and Green f Programmable Buttons Lines or DSS BLF Light Button Control Button Figure 2 lo Button Monitor Telephone ...

Страница 10: ...canalwaysswitchfrom the speakerphone to thehandsetfor privacy To do this just lift the handsetand talk To return to speakerphone use pressthe SPKR buttonandhangup thehandset To manually placeacall usingyour speakerphone 1 Presstheline buttonor the 0 ITCMbutton 2 Dial thenumber 3 Whenpartyanswers talk ITo autodial using your speakerphone just pressthe programmedbuttonandtalk whenyourparty answers I...

Страница 11: ...t to a feature button Steadyred thefeatureis on Light off thefeatureis off Next to an intercom button Steadyred with aquick flash you areusingyourintercom Fastflashingred auto redialis in use Fast flashingredwith repeated off periods night modeis on Steadyflashingred anLCD message is setonyourtelephone What the Rings Mean Two shortrings intercomcall Singlelongerring outsidecall Oneshorttoneburst v...

Страница 12: ... prime line or l Your telephone has ringing line preference Intercom Calls To answera voicecall l Speaktowardthetelephone e Lift handsetif privacy is desired NOTE Voice calls can be blocked See the discussion titled Voice An nounce Blocking for details To answeratonecall Lift handsetto talk Call Pickup To answeracall thatis ringingwithin your group Lift handset Press ITCM 0 Continued on next page ...

Страница 13: ... for SecureOff Hook Voice An nounce SOHVA This featureallows anintercomcallerto breakinto your outside call with anannouncement throughyourhandsetreceiver A SecureOff Hook VoiceAnnounceconsistsof bothseveralshort tone bursts and an announcementin the handsetreceiver The distantpartycannotheartheannouncement To respond O Verbally PressandholdMUTE buttondown andreply by speaking into handset Distant...

Страница 14: ...ring whena BLF light flashes indicating stationringing you canpick up the call by pressingtheDSSbutton However afteryou answerthecall andeitherput it on HOLD or beginto transferit theDSS light will go out Press if youhaveto retrievethecall 11 ...

Страница 15: ......

Страница 16: ...your telephone For automaticdialing just presstheprogrammedbut ton andlift handsetto talk If your systemhasline groups Press rTCh4 0 Dial line groupaccess code 9 line group1 m 81 line group2 82 line group3 83 line group4 0 Listenfor dial tone l Dial number If all thelinesin thegrouparebusy youcanplaceyourstationin aqueueto await anidle line l Press rTCM 0 Dial theline groupaccesscode 9 81 82 83 l ...

Страница 17: ...rstationin a queueto awaitanidle line While on hook l Press HOLD 0 0 Pressline button l Hearshorttone l When line is free your telephonewill soundfive short toneburststelling youthatyou canuseyourline Intercom Calls Intercom calls may be dialedmanually or using aprogrammed button DSS automatically To voicecall manually a Lift handset l Press rTCM 0 0 Dial extensionnumber 0 Talk To voicecall automa...

Страница 18: ...ce Tomakeavoiceannouncement to anotherstationthatis off hook or busyon a call Make intercomcall o Hearseveralquick toneburstsfor a SOHVA Make announcement When you hear a busy tone this meansthestationis on thespeakerphone andyou cannot makean announcement The personyou arecalling will however heara ring from histelephone l Wait on line for reply If announcingfrom an LCD speakerphone called statio...

Страница 19: ...ialing Autodial This is one or two buttondialing usingprogrammablebuttons otherthankeypadbuttons To automaticallydial numbers l Pressbuttonprogrammedfor desirednumber If buttonis programmedon secondlevel underDSSbutton l Press 0HOLD andthenpressDSSbutton Automatic Redialing Auto Redial If thelastnumberyouhavecalledis busyor is notanswering use this feature Onceactivated it automaticallyredialsthen...

Страница 20: ...s i e businessassociates travel agencies etc that areusedonly by you System numbersare public numbers i e the corporateoffice the companylawyer etc thatareaccessed from everystation Make sureyouhavea list of the systemspeeddial numbers To speeddial station numbersif on hook l Dial the keypad number 0 through 9 you have programmedinto yourtelephone ma If off hook andon aline 0 Press OLD 0 Pressthek...

Страница 21: ...ningto dial tone press 0HOLD thenpress 0 Listen for ringingor busytone Ringing tone Whenparty answers pick up hand set Busy tone Press or to disconnect SavedNumber Redialing Thefirst 16digitsofthelastmanuallydialednumbercanbesaved for laterredial To savethenumber l Pressbuttonpreprogrammedfor thispurpose To dial a savednumber l Lift handset l Press OLD 0 thenpresspreprogrammedbutton NOTE You can s...

Страница 22: ...hone To place on exclusivehold e Press0HoLDtwice To retrieve exclusivehold o Pressline buttonwith flashinglight mu l Press TAP 0 if stationdoesnot haveline appearance Direct Station Hold parking a call to a station To place a call on directhold 8 While on line press0rTCM This placestheoutsidecall onhold 8 Dial a plus theextensionnumberof thestationreceivingpark To retrieve a directhold call From t...

Страница 23: ...l While on line press l Dial aparkzoneaccess code 91 through 99 To retrieve aparkedcall l From anystation press a l Dial theparkzoneaccesscode 91through 99 Hold Recall Feature After apreprogrammedlengthof time a call placedon hold will automaticallyring backto thetelephonethatplacedit on hold If thecall is on exclusivehold it will reverttomanualhold after the hold recall time period The call can t...

Страница 24: ...tomatically l Dial extensionnumberof partytobe transferredto Elia PressDSSbuttonfor one buttonintercomcalling 0 Whenintercomparty answers announce call l Hangup handset If thecalledpartyis busyor doesnot answer PresscE3 CONF to retrievecall Unscreened Transfer To transfer an unscreenedcall to anotherstationin thesystem Answercall Press CONF e3 Call is placedon hold automatically Dial extensionnumb...

Страница 25: ...nscreenedtransfers aremade isbusy thetransjierredcallswill camp onat the station Each call will automatically ring the station when it becomesidle l If atransferred callisnotanswered afterapreprogrammed time it will ringbackto your station l Answerby pressingflashingline key 22 ...

Страница 26: ...F to establishconference 5 Repeatsteps2 4 to addup to two moreparties NOTE When setting up a conference call with outside lines and inside stations you must call the outside lines first To continueconversationwith last confereeafterthree outside lines havedroppedoutof conference l Presstheline buttonof theremainingparty To drop outsidelines from theconference l PressHOLD to put all lines on HOLD b...

Страница 27: ...idelines in the conferenceis known asanunsupervised conferencecall You can do this only when you are involved in a three party conferencecall To drop outof a conferencecall dial 0 andhangup NOTE Conference voIume levels are dependent upon the quality of the external lines 24 ...

Страница 28: ...nectionto stationthatleft messageis automatic To turn on themessagewaiting light l Dial extensionnumberof stationto be alerted The mes sagewaiting light of calledstationwill flash To turn off themessage waiting light l Press l Dial extensionnumberof stationthat was alerted The messagewaiting light of calledstationwill turn off To turn off themessagewaitinglight duringmessage delivering conversatio...

Страница 29: ...kAt dialtime in twelve hourformatusingthe asa colon For default message 2 which is Call dial telephonenumberof whereyouwill be l Press or Intercomlight flashessteadily To turn off messageandyourintercomlight l Press a ResponseMessaging when you receivea secureoff hookvoice announce or aninter corncall this featureletsyou sendamessagebackto thecalling station sLCD The responsemessagesare preprogram...

Страница 30: ...tationis not storedasa DSS atthecalled station then the call will transfer to the central messagedesk if programmed Then the central message desk usually the attendant sstation canlight the messagewaiting light of the originally calledstation Assist Button Messaging By usingaprogrammedassistbuttonon your telephone youcan senda message to yoursupervisor askingfor assistance To senda message for ass...

Страница 31: ...n theID stripsandsecon darynumberson theindexpullout directoryin thefront of your telephone Becausetheprogrammingstepsfor outsidenumbers intercom numbers and feature codesvary slightly they appearhere as separate steps Prdgramming Outside Numbers 1 Press aaci 2 Pressprogrammablebuttonyouwant for storage 3 Pressyour line buttonor 0 for lastline usedor prime line if assigned 4 Dial thenumberstobe st...

Страница 32: ...utton Justrepeatsteps1 6 using the programmablebutton mentionedin step2 Programming OutsideNumbers Using Line Groups Line groupsarerepresented as1 2 3 and4 on thekeypad The tablebelow showstheline group andits correspondingkeypad number To storea numberusingaline group 1 Press ama 2 Pressprogrammablebuttonyouwantfor storage 3 Presseither1 9 2 81 3 82 or 4 83 on thekeypad 4 Dial thenumberyou aresto...

Страница 33: Someexamplesof theseare l Call Forwarding on andoff CallPickup l AutomaticRedialing To programfeaturecodes 1 Press aaQJ 2 Pressprogrammablebuttonyou areusingfor storage 3 Enterthecodesfor thefeature Example For Call Forwardingto a specific extension press a andextension of telephoneyou wantcallsforwardedto 4 To storeanothercode presstheTRANSKONF buttonand repeatsteps2 and3 5 Press or to end ...

Страница 34: ...eypadbutton 0 through9 thatyou areusingfor storage 3 Choosetheline to beused 0 lastline usedor prime line if assigned line key ITCM intercom 1through4 line groups 4 Dial thenumberto be stored up to 16digits if youneed a pausebetweennumbers presstheHOLD button 5 Press oNF e3 to continueenteringnumbers 6 Press or to end ResponseMessageProgramming This programlets you setup a buttonto be usedfor maki...

Страница 35: ...tanswer thesystemwill automaticallydial thenumbereveryminute for 10minutesandring thenumberfor approximately30 seconds To cancelauto redial simply lift and replacethehandset Assist Button Programming With this featureyou canprogram an assist button on your telephonethat will let you senda messageto an LCD speaker phone By pushingthis buttonyoucanlet yoursupervisorknow with atoneandastationmessage ...

Страница 36: ...grammedmessage Seeatten dantfor list of messages Dial a to choosesystem provided message System message ASSIST plus nameor extensionnumber of stationsendingmessage Name or extensionis automat ically addedby system If oneparticularstationmustalwaysreceivemessage dial extensionnumberof thatstation otherwise skipto step6 Label button Press or to end j j 34 ...

Страница 37: arecalling NOTE If you hear an error tone after step 3 check the account code for validity Automatic SetRelocation With thisfeature if youmoveyourtelephone to anotherlocation you will be given a choicevia thedisplayprompt asto whether you wantto keepthepreviousprogrammingor usetheprogram ming in thenewlocation Background Music If suppliedby yoursystem musiccanbe setto playthroughyour telephone...

Страница 38: ...ial extensionnumberof telephoneto which calls areto be forwarded 3 Hangup To cancel all call forwarding l Press 5 andhangup NOTE Your station will ring with a short ring burst each time a call is forwarded to remind you that your calls are being forwarded Call Override Features Executive Override If yourtelephonehasthisfeature youcanbreakinto a conversa tion atanotherstation Whenyoumakeanintercomc...

Страница 39: ...comcall andhearbusysignal 2 Dial 7 a Calledpartywill heartone 3 Remainon line waiting for calledpartyresponse To cancelcall waiting hangup handset To answercall waiting if youreceivea call waitingtonewhile on a call 1 Hearshorttoneburstin receiver 2 Eitherplacecall on holdor completepresentcall andhang up Waitingcall will beginringing 3 Lift handsetto answer Departmental Station Operation If your ...

Страница 40: ...ds ContrastLevel and a numbershowsup in the display Continueto depresstheMUTE button the display contrastchanges The numbers0 through7 represent thecontrastfrom light 0 to dark 7 Whenyou haveadjustedthedisplaycontrastto suit you release theMUTE button Do Not Disturb This featurekeepscalls from ringing at your stationand makes your stationappearto be busyto intercomcalls If yourtelephonehasthis fea...

Страница 41: ... 2 3 4 Lift handset Dial pagingaccessnumber pushline button if external pagingis onaline or if hookedupto auxiliarypagingport press Make announcement Hangup You can also pageall stationsthrough their intercoms all call paging or just somestations zonepaging To do this 1 Lift handset 2 Press TCH 0 3 Dial 87 for all call paging Dial 84 85 or 86 for zone paging 4 Make announcementand stay on line if ...

Страница 42: ...eprogrammedbythe installer Pulse Tone Switching If yourlocal telephoneserviceis pulse rotary but you haveto convertto tonewhile dialing pressb atthe point in the dialingsequence whereconversion totoneis required Thesystem will switch backto pulsedialing whenyou endyour call You canprogrampulse to toneswitchingby pressing0 8 duringautodialor speeddial numberstorage VoiceAnnounce Blocking You canpre...

Страница 43: ... I A Grwpz TCM 31 omuP3 I ITCM 32 ...

Страница 44: ...umber canbe entered Automatic Callback IAutomatic Redial Display showsthatfeatureis ac 1 tive Call Costing Whenyou pushHOLD button display Call Forward Display showsextensionnumber of telephoneto which call is for Call Messaging Display promptsfor message Enteringa keypaddigit O 9 causesa message to bedisplayed 42 ...

Страница 45: ...letedcall pressHOLD key Calling Station Thedisplay showsextensionnum ber or nameof calling telephone 1ConferenceCalls 1 1 Whenconferencingwith lines this showsup in display Whenconferencingwith other sta Dialed Numbers Thedisplay will showall dialed c dialed codes numbersor namesalongwith any Station 1 1 E Er p q igmM will showub in thebottom A ccess Codes I I 43 ...

Страница 46: ...ment v Display afterholdingdownMute bu F f rfvueg yds Do Not Disturb 1 Display shows Do Not Disturb whenfeatureis active Hold Recall Feature Whena timed hold recalloccurs Last Number Redial III Whenlastnumberdialedis line anddialed number redlaled displayshowsselected 9 Line Queuing 44 ...

Страница 47: ...o dis play numbersor names i e WATS Mute Display showswhenfeatureis ac jTuel1 tive paging paging Display for all call page paging Programming for Autodialing and Station SpeedDialing v After youpressITCM kS 1 this appears in the display VI After you enterlocation this ap pearsin display After youenterline this appears v in display Display afteryou dial thenumber 45 ...

Страница 48: rpi iGq Whenusingserviceobserving the namesor extensionnumbersof two stationsshowup in display Station Identification mpyy PressingSPKR or MNTR when your stationis idle causesyourex tensionnumber portnumberand stationnameto showup in thedis play X extensionnumber Y port number Z stationname SystemClock And Calendar Always displayedastop line of 77 display NOTE Date and time aresetby attendanta...

Страница 49: ...rkorbit andretrievingit by anytelephone Call pickup Answeringacall atonetelephonewhenit isringing atanothertelephone Call transfer Transferringa call from one stationto another The transfercanbe screened i e youfind outwhois calling and announce themto thepartybeingcalled or unscreened i e you transferthecall withoutidentifying thecallingpartytothecalled pafly Central messagedesk A stationthat has...

Страница 50: ...busy called telephone This intrusion is announcedby severalquick toneburstsovertheconversation H Handsfreeanswerinhibit A telephonecanbesettoblock voice callssentto it overthespeaker Hookflash Action thatoccurswhentheTAP buttonis pressed Neededfor activatinghostsystemfeatures Hookswitch The switchon atelephonewhich whendepressed manually or by thehandset disconnectsa call K Keypad Buttons0 through...

Страница 51: ...buttonthatsendsamessagetothe calling station sdisplay Ringing line preference An automaticconnectionto anyout sideline ringing atthe stationwhenthe stationhandsetis taken off hook S Savednumber redialing Savingalastmanuallydialednumber for laterautodialing Secureoff hook voiceannounce A privateannouncement that canbemadeto abusypartywhich theyhearthroughthereceiver of theirhandset Speed dialing Au...

Страница 52: ... Voicecall A verbalintercomcall Voice announceblocking A telephonecanbesetto blockvoice callssentto it overthespeaker Z Zone paging Pagingthroughtheintercomsof somestationsor departments in thesystem 50 ...

Страница 53: ... button Programming 33 Using 27 Automatic callback 16 Automatic dialing Programming 29 Using 16 Automatic setrelocation 35 B Backgroundmusic 35 c Call forwarding 36 Call overridefeatures 36 Call park 20 Call pickup 9 Call waiting 37 Conferencecalls Five partycalls 23 Unsupervisedcalls 24 D Departmentalstationoperation 37 Direct stationhold 19 51 ...

Страница 54: ...tionhold 19 Exclusive hold 19 Manual hold 19 I Intercomcalls Answering 9 Making 14 Programmingnumbers 31 L Lastnumberredialing 18 LCD messaging Turning off 26 Turning on 26 M Making calls Conference 23 Intercom 14 Outside 13 Secureoff hook voice announce15 Manualhold 19 Messagewaiting light Receivingmessage 25 Turning off 25 Turning on 25 52 ...

Страница 55: ...l call 39 Answering Meet me 39 OverPA system 39 Zone 39 PersonalRinging Tones 40 Privacy 40 Programming Assist button 33 Autodial numbers 29 Automatic redialing 33 Featurecodes 31 Intercomnumbers 31 Outsidenumbers 29 Response messaging 32 Stationspeeddial numbers 32 Pulse Toneswitching 40 Q Queuing Busy line queuing 14 Line groupqueuing 13 Quick referenceguide 41 53 ...

Страница 56: ...nounce SOHVA Making 15 Respondingto 10 Serviceobserving 37 Speakerphone operation 6 Speeddialing Programming 32 Station 17 System 17 Stationspeeddial programming 32 Station to stationmessaging Turningoff 27 Turningon 27 T Transferringcalls Screenedtransfer 21 Unscreened transfer 21 V Voiceannounceblocking 40 z Zonepaging 39 54 ...
