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BIOS Setup
Load Optimized Defaults
Selecting this field loads the factory defaults for BIOS and Chipset Features which the
system automatically detects.
To Load Optimized, move cursor, by pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard ,to highlight
the optimized default and press enter key then press "Y" if you decide to load this option.
Load Optimized Defaults
Optimized Defaults indicates the value of the system parameters which the system w ould
be in best performance configuration.
Set Supervisor password
Change, set, or disable password. It allows you to limit access to the sy stem and Setup,
or just to Setup.
Set User password
Change, set, or disable password. It allows you to limit access to the system.
Save & Exit Setup
Save CMOS value settings to CMOS and exit setup.
Exit Without Saving
Abandon all CMOS value changes and exit setup.
Lo ad Optimize d D efault
CMOS Set up Utility-Cop yright (C) 198 4-2002 Award Software
Load Optimized D efaults? ( Y/N)?Y
Standard CMOS Features
Select Language
Advanced BIOS Features
Load Fail-Safe Defaults
Integrated Peripherals
Load Optimized Defaults
Power Management Setup
Set Supervisor Password
PnP/PCI Configurations
Set User Password
PC Health Status
Save & Exit Setup
Frequency/Voltage Control
Exit Without Saving
Top Performance