Use this function to clear ticket jams, or to count tickets for physical inventory. (Ticket count is displayed on
screen and in audit report.) From Main Menu, press A-Ticket Menu; then B-Freely Dispense. Tickets that are
freely dispensed do not affect inventory or reporting. Be sure to return freely dispensed tickets to the proper
From the Main Menu, press B-Misc Info to access the following display:
Time/Age Menu: Press A to set machine time and date, press C to set the legal age to play for your state, or
Press B to set “Time Day Ends” to be used in reports. “Time Day Ends” is the time of day at which the business
day ends.
Clear Current Credit: Press B.
Under Settings Menu (C), access the following settings:
From Settings Menu press A–Machine Options, then A-set Column Configuration or B-Bin Timing.
Set Column Configuration: See Page 6, item No. 1.
Some Maxims are equipped with the LITE software version. LITE software was developed to simplify operation
of the Maxim by increasing its user-friendliness. If your Maxim™ is equipped with LITE software, please note
the following:
• Inventory features are not available.
The MAXIM™ has the ability to export, or “download” all printable reports to a USB Stick (thumb drive). The reports
can then be opened in a spreadsheet application for later review.
· Open machine, enter your PIN and press D-Report Menus.
· Insert USB Stick in the USB port located on the CPU Board (see CPU layout in Block Diagram on page #13)
· Select C-Audit Reports and then C-Export Reports.
· The transfer of data files from the CPU to the USB Stick will be completed within a few seconds.
· You will be prompted to “Erase Current Deposit Report?” when the export or “download” is complete.
· If you select “A) Yes” it will be necessary to remove the monies from the machine as the current Shift Sales
Data will be reset to zero.
· If you select “B) No” the Shift Sales Data will not be reset and the monies should not be removed from the
machine at this time.
· After the selection, you will be prompted “Successfully Exported Data Files” and the message screen will
return to the Report Menu. Select “D-Quit” and remove the USB stick from the USB port on the CPU.
· To review Report Data, insert the USB Stick into a USB port / reader on your laptop or computer and open
desire report file(s). Adjust column width and/or row height as needed to review data.
Note: The MAXIM PTVM will create file folders based on the machine’s unique serial number. A USB Stick can
store/hold data from multiple machines. Report files exported from a single machine within or on the same busi-
ness day will over-write existing Report Files from that date. Report Files exported on subsequent or later dates will
be added to the existing file folder.
Page 7
A–Time/Age Menu
B–Clear Current Credit
C–Settings Menu
Figure 15
Page 8
7. LED Light Controls
The MAXIM™ is equipped with programmable flashing LED lights in the ticket compartment and hopper(s)
to enhance the machine's visibility.
· Open machine, enter your PIN and from the main menu press B-Misc Information.
· Select C-Settings Menu, followed by C-LEDCntrl/AutoReport and then A-Light Control.
· Program (select) the desired LED setting:
» Select 0 (0=Off) to turn off lights (lights will remain “Off” until reprogrammed for different setting).
» Select 1 (1=Steady) for lights to be set continuously “On”.
» Select 2 (2=Flash Slow) to set a slow, continuous flash.
» Select 3 (3=Fast) to set a fast, continuous flash.
» Select 4 (4=Sequence) to set a combination of Steady, Slow & Fast flashing LEDs.
Note: When the LEDs are programmed to a flashing pattern and money is inserted into the machine
(credit applied to machine) the LEDs will discontinue flashing and “hold’ on a steady or continuously “On”
setting until the credit is played out or cleared from the machine – at which time the LEDs will revert back
to their programmed (flashing) pattern. When the LEDs are programmed to a flashing pattern and the
machine hood door is opened and a valid PIN is entered (as when accessing the ticket and/or money
compartments) the LEDs will discontinue flashing and “hold’ on a steady or continuously “On” setting until
the machine door is closed. If the LEDs are programmed to the “Off” setting, the LED lights will remain off
at all times until they are reprogrammed for a different or “On” setting as noted above.
Answers to commonly asked questions.
Q. How do I determine if my Maxim™ is equipped with the LITE software version?
A. The software version is listed on the front page of this manual.
Q. Can I reset the grand total to zero?
A. No. The grand total remains in battery back-up memory for 10 years.
Q. Will credit on the Maxim™ disappear when the machine is unplugged?
A. No. Memory is retained for 10 years without being plugged in.
Q. Why do the price display lights go off on some bins?
A. This happens when a ticket jams or the inventory reaches 0. Run an inventory report.
Q. Should I unplug the Maxim™ after business hours?
A. You may, but it is not necessary.
Q. If I unplug the Maxim™, will it hurt anything?
A. No. Inventory, sales, and other important information is saved in battery back-up memory.
Q. If the alarm sounds, do I have to call the police or security?
A. No. The alarm alerts you only of any unauthorized entry. This is printed to the audit report.
Q. How accurate is the inventory?
A. It is accurate only if the correct inventory is added and free vended tickets are returned to correct bins.
Q. What do I do if I forget my Personal Identification Number (PIN)?
A. Contact your service provider for a one-time manager PIN. Enter this PIN, access the PIN Number Menu,
and immediately select a new manager PIN.
Q. Can the Maxim™ be set to dispense four tickets for $1?
A. No. One ticket per transaction only, unless the MAXIM button, which plays up to 20 tickets, is used.
Q. Does the Maxim™ require a surge protector like most computers?
A. No, but it is recommended.
Q. Is a grounded outlet required?
A. Yes. Static electricity absorbed from the machine needs a ground to dissipate the energy and to provide
electrical safety.