The Excalibur Icon Setup program allows the user to define the
attributes that are associated with icons when they are selected
or activated during Excalibur program operation.
Excalibur Icon Setup is started by opening its icon from the
Excalibur Program Group window. To run Icon Setup, the
operator must have System Setup privilege and the operator
password is required (see page 2-2).
The only functions provided in the Excalibur Icon Setup
window menu bar are “Exit” and “About”. All setup functions
are performed by selecting icons from the map sequences. The
map sequence must be established by the System Setup
program Maps function (page 2-8) before running Icon Setup.
When Icon Setup is started, the first map defined in the Maps
sequence is displayed. The user may advance through the
maps in the sequence by pressing the left or right arrow
buttons at the bottom of the Icon Setup window. Before any
data has been entered for an icon it appears “grayed” on the
map image. After icon setup data has been saved it appears
either in a normal state (for camera, video, and user icons), or
alarm state (for door or alarm icons).
Icons are arranged into several “classes”. These classes
include: Cameras, Gates, Doors, Alarms, Video ID, User,
Lights, Video, and Maps. Each class can include several
different icons. Each icon in a class uses the same setup dialog
box, and operates in a similar manner. Alarm class and Door
class icons allow alarm points to be defined and cameras to be
called under alarm conditions. Please refer to the “Alarm
Setup” section on page 5-3 before attempting to define any
alarm points for these icon classes.
To define or edit data for an icon, click the left mouse button
on that icon. A dialog box is then displayed for that icon's
setup information. The setup procedures for each icon class
dialog box are described in pages 5-4 through 5-12.
VERY IMPORTANT. Most problems in setup occur
with deleting icons. It is imperative that icons be
deleted in the proper order, or it will be necessary
to define the data for all icons again.
Each icon setup dialog box contains a Delete button. This
button deletes the setup record for that icon. If an icon is not
being used in a map, its record can be deleted, thus saving
memory and avoiding potential conflicts with other icons
having the same alarm contact number. The icon turns back to
gray on the map image when its setup record is deleted, and it
does not appear on the map when Excalibur is operating.
If data for ANY icon on a given map has been defined via the
Excalibur Icon Setup program (this program), delete the data
for that icon using the Icon Setup program BEFORE deleting
the icon using the Excalibur CAD program.
The proper sequence to delete an icon is:
1. Select the icon from the map via the Icon Setup program
(this program) to access the setup dialog box.
2. Select the “Delete” button in the dialog box. A Delete Icon
Record confirmation box is then displayed.
3. Select “Yes” in the confirmation box. The data for that
icon is deleted from the icon database files.
4. To delete the icon from the .ICN file, select the Icon Delete
function of the Excalibur CAD program (page 4-9).
If an entire map and its associated icons are to be deleted, the
data for EACH icon MUST be deleted as specified above
BEFORE deleting the .MAP file or the .ICN file from the
sequence of maps or from the disc storage.
If no data has been defined for any icons on a given map, any
icon can be deleted via the CAD program without deleting the
icon data via the Icon Setup program. In this case, use step 4,
only, to delete the icon from the .ICN file.
Failure to delete the icon data in the proper order will result in
corruption of the system files, erratic operation, unreliable
alarm annunciation, and possible system crashes.
Excalibur allows the user to setup a “Satellite” switching mode
to call a second switcher. This second switcher call mode
allows the Excalibur to call a camera on two switchers, one
local and the other at a remote site. Each switcher must be on
a separate serial port of Excalibur.
Note that this mode is distinguished from the AD2055 satellite
switching mode.
For camera calls and control operations, the primary switcher
is defined as the remote switcher. All control signals for pan
and tilt, lens control, and auxiliary control relays are sent to the
remote switcher. The second switcher is the local switcher.
This switcher is sent an input (camera) number and an output
(monitor) number. This switcher passes the signal from the
remote switcher to the monitor or recording device.
For alarm conditions, the local (second) switcher can be
defined to follow the mode set for the remote (first) switcher.
See “Alarm Setup” on page 5-3 for more information on
calling cameras under alarm conditions.