American Audio
- www.americanaudio.us - VMS5.0 Instruction Manual Page 11
tap the CUE button to create a BOP EFFECT.
15. PLay/PaUSE BUTTon - Press this button to PAUSE what ever music source is playing. Press
this button again to PLAY your desired music source.
16. JOg WhEEL - This wheel has three functions;
Attention: Make sure that nothing is touching or resting on the jog wheels when you power on the
A. The wheel works as a pitch bend during Playback. Turning the wheel clockwise can increase the
pitch percentage up to 100%, and turning the wheel in the counter-clockwise direction can de-
crease the pitch percentage down to -100%. The pitch bend will be determined on how long
you turn the jog wheel continuously.
B. The jog wheel also controls the scratch effect, when the scratch effect is active.
C. The jog wheel can also serve as frame search.
Note: The inside of the wheel is touch sensitive and the outside edge of the wheel is not. Example:
You can scratch by touching the inside or center of the wheel, and pitch bend when you touch the
outside edge of the wheel.
17. VINYL - Pushing this button activates VINYL mode.
18. SHIFT - Enables secondary MIDI command on buttons, jog wheel, and MIDI functions on mouse
pad. Example: Press SHIFT and VINYL to activate Keylock.
19. (-) PITcH BEnD BUTTon - The
pitch bend function creates a momentary “Slow Down” in the
BPM’s (Beats per minute) while it is playing. This will allow you to match the beats between two play-
ing audio sources. Remember, this is a momentary function. When you remove your finger from the
pitch button, the BPM’s will automatically return to pitch Slider'S pitch value Holding down this
button will give a maximum of -100% pitch. Use this function to slow to another playing music source.
Be sure to notice that this function is a momentary pitch adjustment, for a more precise adjustment
use the pitch Slider (7) to match the BPM’s with another playing music source.
(+) PITcH BEnD BUTTon - The
pitch bend function creates a momentary “BUMP” in the
BPM’s (Beats per minute) while it is playing. This will allow you to match the beats between two play-
ing audio sources. Remember, this is a momentary function. When you remove your finger from this
button, the BPM’s will automatically return to the pitch Slider'S selected pitch. Holding down this
button will give a maximum of +100% pitch.
20. cUE & SaMPLE BUTTonS - These buttons are used to assign the BANK BUTTONS as either a
Sample or Cue.
21. PITCh SLIDER - This slider is used to adjust the playback pitch percentage. The slider is a set
adjustment and will remain set until the pitch slider is moved or the pitch function has been turned off.
22. kEyLock - Pushing this button activates activates the Keylock.