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Audio®
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User
Manual
Page
(8)
Master
Volume
Control
This
knob
is
used
to
control
the
master
output
level.
To
avoid
distorted
output
try
to
maintain
an
average
output
signal
level
no
greater
than
+4dB.
To
avoid
speaker
damage
that
may
be
caused
by
excessive
volume,
be
sure
this
knob
is
always
set
to
zero
(completely
down)
before
turning
the
unit
on.
(9)
Channel
Fader
These
faders
are
used
to
control
the
output
signal
of
any
source
assigned
to
its
particular
player.
This
function
will
only
work
when
Mixer
Output
(8)
is
(10)
Knob
Turning
the
knob
to
the
all
the
way
to
the
position
(all
the
way
to
the
left)
will
allow
you
to
hear
only
the
signal
(headphone
signal)
only.
Turn
the
knob
to
the
position
(all
the
way
to
the
right)
will
allow
you
to
hear
the
Program
signal
(main
output)
only.
(11)
Cue
Volume
Control
This
knob
is
used
to
adjust
the
headphone
volume
output
level.
Turn
the
knob
in
a
clockwise
direction
to
increase
the
headphone
volume.
(12)
Fader
Curve
This
knob
is
used
to
change
the
way
the
crossfader
will
operate.
(13)
Scratch
Effect
This
will
activate
and
deactivate
the
scratch
effect
function.
(14)
Time
Array
knob
(Parameter
X)
This
knob
is
used
to
adjust
the
parameter
time
value.