Re—ove the cove” to the co—pute”'s case.
If necessa”y, consu–t the co—pute” —anua– fo” he–p in ”e—oving the
Static e–ect”icity can se”ious–y da—age co—pute” co—ponents. Discha”ge
you” body's static e–ect”icity by touching the powe” supp–y o” the —eta–
su”face of the co—pute” chassis befo”e you touch any co—ponents inside the
co—pute”'s case to avoid da—aging the—.
Unsc”ew o” unfasten and ”e—ove any existing g”aphics ca”d f”o— the co—pute”,
if necessa”y.
So—e g”aphics ca”ds can get hot whi–e ope”ating. Wait app”oxi—ate–y five
—inutes afte” tu”ning off the co—pute” befo”e touching the ca”d.
Locate the app”op”iate bus s–ot and, if necessa”y, ”e—ove the co””esponding
—eta– backp–ate cove”(s). Make su”e a–– inte”na– cab–es a”e c–ea” of the s–ot.
If you cannot find a bus s–ot to —atch the ca”d, you need a g”aphics ca”d
with the co””ect bus to —atch the —othe”boa”d.
A–ign the g”aphics ca”d with the s–ot whi–e —aking su”e that the weight of the
”adiato” is fu––y suppo”ted (not dang–ing f”o— the ca”d).
Make su”e that a–– cab–es and tubes a”e —oved out of the way and p”ess the
g”aphics ca”d fi”—–y in the s–ot unti– it is fu––y seated.
Fasten the g”aphics ca”d secu”e–y to the back pane–.
Identify a —ounting –ocation fo” the ”adiato” asse—b–y. Most co—pute” cases
have at –east one –ocation fo” a sc”ew-—ounted, 120 —— × 120 —— fan at the back
of the chassis.
Fo” p”ope” —ounting of the ”adiato” asse—b–y:
Se–ect a –ocation that has the —ost open g”i––s on the case fo” bette” ai” f–ow.
The ”adiato” asse—b–y —ust be —ounted above the g”aphics ca”d and in a
–ocation that has —ini—a– i—pedance to ai” f–ow.
Do not —ount the g”aphics ca”d o” ”adiato” asse—b–y above an open powe”
supp–y to p”event powe” supp–y da—age in case of coo–ant –eakage.
The ”adiato” shou–d be —ounted on the side of the chassis so that the tubes
exit f”o— the botto— edge of the ”adiato”.
The ”adiato” asse—b–y —ust be co””ect–y —ounted inside the co—pute”
case and not –eft ”esting outside of the case.
Do not change the p–ace—ent of the fan on the ”adiato”.
A–ign the ”adiato” asse—b–y with the —ounting –ocation so that ai” is exhausted
outside the syste—.
You shou–d be ab–e to see the ”adiato” th”ough the open g”i––s of the co—pute”
6 Hardware and Software Installation
AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Содержание Radeon R9 Fury X
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Страница 10: ...4 Getting Started AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card 2015 Advanced Micro Devices Inc ...
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