Chapter 1
24081D—February 2002
AMD-761™ System Controller Software/BIOS Design Guide
Preliminary Information
The AMD Athlon™ processor powers the next generation in computing
platforms, delivering the ultimate performance for cutting-edge
applications and an unprecedented computing experience.
Th e A M D -7 6 1 ™ s y s t e m c o n t ro l l e r p rov i d e s s t a n d a rd
Northbridge functionality for desktop personal computers
u s i n g t h e A M D A t h l o n ™ f a m i l y o f p r o c e s s o r s . T h i s
functionality includes the processor interface as well as PCI,
AGP, and main memory interface implementing state of the art
Double Data Rate (DDR) synchronous DRAM technology.
This document provides information typically required for
development of the system BIOS and device drivers to properly
program the AMD-761 system controller configuration
registers. The document is organized as follows:
Section 1 provides an overview of the general BIOS
requirements for initializing the AMD-761 system controller
configuration registers.
Section 2 on page 9 contains a description of all AMD-761
system controller configuration registers.
Section 3 on page 149 contains additional information on
setup of the DDR SDRAM interface configuration registers.
Section 4 on page 185 contains additional information on
configuration of the power management features of the
AMD-761 system controller.
Section 5 on page 195 contains additional information on
setup of the PCI bus interface configuration registers.
Section 6 on page 205 contains additional information on
setup of the AGP interface configuration registers.
Section 7 on page 211 contains a list of recommended
settings for many of the AMD-761 system controller
configuration registers.