MAC (80188 core) Memory Resources
Restrictions — Some of the Am79C930 device 80188
core’s memory locations have predefined uses and,
therefore, are not freely available to the firmware. The
following table indicates restricted space within the
80188 core memory map of the Am79C930 device:
Restricted Space In The 80188 Core Memory Map Using Scheme RAS or RBS,
LMCS=1FF8h, UMCS=E038h, MIR0[7]=0 or 1
80188 Address
Active 80188
Size of
in Memory
Chip Select
Physical Location of Memory
0 0440h–0 047Fh
64 bytes
Reserved for future use – DO NOT access these
1K–16 bytes
Flash Memory 1 FC00h–1 FFEFh
These locations are reserved for use as PCMCIA CIS or
for use as ISA Plug and Play Resource Data, depending
upon the operating mode of the device. These locations
must not be used by the 80188 firmware.
16 bytes
Flash Memory 1 FFF0h–1 FFFFh
These locations must be used to store the first
instructions for the 80188 firmware, since the 80188
core’s instruction pointer will point to location F FFF0h
after a Am79C930 reset. (Note that 80188 location F
FFF0h will appear as 1 FFF0h on the memory interface
bus, since only 17 address bits are available at the
memory interface bus.)
1 Kbytes
MAC (80188 core) Interrupt Channel Allocation —
The TAI and BIU sections of the Am79C930 device both
generate interrupts to the 80188 core. TAI generated in-
terrupts will always appear on the INT0 input of the
80188 core. BIU generated interrupts will always appear
on the INT1 input of the 80188 core. Firmware should
appropriately recognize the source of each interrupt.
Interrupt Channel Allocation in the 80188 Core
80188 Interrupt Channel
Interrupt Source
The interrupt mode used by the 80188 core should be
Master Mode Fully Nested, since no subunit of the
Am79C930 device would respond to 80188 Interrupt
Acknowledge cycles if they occurred. Note that when
using the Master Mode Fully Nested interrupt mode of
the 80188 core, no Interrupt Acknowledge cycles are
generated; instead, the interrupt vector for each inter-
rupt is generated internally. Internally generated
interrupt vectors reside in the lower portion of 80188
memory space.
TAI sourced interrupts may occur due to various condi-
tions that are signaled by TAI internal state machines.
The TIR4 and TIR5 registers contain most of the bits that
signal the various state-machine generated interrupts.
The TCR11 location contains a few more interrupt
sources. One of the TCR11 interrupt sources is through
an external pin, USER1/IRQ12. This allows the user to
connect an external interrupt source to the Am79C930
device to allow an interrupt to be generated to the
Am79C930 device’s internal 80188 core.
The BIU sourced interrupts are created by software ma-
nipulation, i.e., a bit in the driver software’s I/O space is
written to, and this in turn generates an interrupt to the
80188 microcontroller within the Am79C930 device.
In summary, the embedded 80188 controller can be in-
terrupted from any of several sources: driver software,
internally generated interrupt sources, and from an ex-
ternal source through the USER1/IRQ12 pin.
MAC (80188 core) DMA Channel Allocation — The
TAI section of the Am79C930 device generates DMA re-
quests to the 80188 core whenever either the transmit
FIFO (TX FIFO) or the receive FIFO (RX FIFO) of the
TAI needs servicing. DRQ0 becomes asserted when-
ever the RX FIFO is NOT empty, regardless of the state
of the RXS bit of TIR16. DRQ1 becomes asserted when-
ever the TX FIFO is
not full, regardless of the state of the
TXS bit of TIR8. Appropriate programming of the DMA
resources of the 80188 embedded controller is required
in order to insure proper response to these requests. For
example, when no TX operation is desired, then the
DMA controller for DRQ1 should be disabled.
Note that the use of the 80188 controller’s DMA re-
sources is
not required for any given Am79C930-based
implementation, since both the RX FIFO and the TX
FIFO are directly accessible as registers. That is, it is
possible to use 80188 MOV instructions to load TX data
into the TX FIFO. The TX FIFO may be loaded by writing