Chapter 4
Useful Help
4-1 How to Update BIOS
Solution1: Updating BIOS under DOS:
1. Prepare a bootable disk. (You may make one by click START click RUN type SYS
A: click OK)
2. Download upgrade tools and the latest BIOS files of the motherboard from official
website and then make a copy of it to your bootable floppy disk after
decompressing these files
Insert the disk into A:,start your computer and then type in
“A:\xxxxxx.BAT”(xxxxxxx being the file name of the latest BIOS )
4. Type Enter to update and flash the BIOS. The system will restart automatically
when BIOS is upgraded.
Solution2: Updating BIOS under Windows operating system:
1. Download Windows version BIOS from our website.
2. Unzip the downloaded file.
3. Double click EXE file to activate it and follow on-screen instructions for further
4-2 Trouble Shooting
No power to the system to the all
power light don’t illuminate, fan inside
power supply doesn’t turn on.
1. Make sure power cable is correctly
plugged in. 2. Replace cable. 3.
Contact technical support.
System inoperative. Keyboard lights
are on, power indicator lights are lit,
and hard drive is spinning.
Using ever pressure on both ends of
the DIMM, press down firmly until the
module snaps into places.
System doesn’t boot from hard disk
drive, can be booted from optical drive.
1. Check cable running from disk to
disk controller board. .Make sure both
ends are securely plugged in, check
the drive type in the standard CMOS
setup. 2. Backing up the hard drive is
extremely important .All hard disks are
capable of breaking down at any time.
System only boots from optical
drive .Hard disk can be read and
applications can be used but booting
from hard disk is impossible.
1. Back up date and applications files.
2. Reformat the hard drive. Reinstall
applications and date using backup
Screen message says “Invalid
Configuration” or “CMOS Failure”
Review system‘s equipment. Make
sure correct information on is in setup.