: These radio buttons allow the user to select what type of anti-flicker technology should be used for the
video feed. The three options are 50 Hz, 60 Hz, and Outdoor. The desired option should offset any flickering effect
caused by the electrical current used in the specific area.
: This dropdown menu allows the user to modify certain exposure settings related to the device such as, gain
priority, shutter priority or setting a manual gain setting.
Gain Priority
- This setting will maximize the gain for the ideal exposure. Low Noise Basically turns up the ISO to the
best setting without sacrificing exposure timing.
Shutter Priority
- This setting will maximize the fastest shutter speed and will sacrifice the gain in return.
- This setting lets you select your shutter speed and have the gain adjust automatically. Selecting customized
range will let you both the shutter speed an adjust the gain manually.
: This radio button allows the user to turn the 3D Noise Reduction feature on or off.
3D NR Level
: This slider allows the user to specify the 3D Noise Reduction level. The value ranges from 1-100.
To reset to default settings, click the
Reset Defaults
button. To refresh the screen, click on Refresh. To save the
settings, click the
button. BLC Mode
This dropdown box allows the user to select Back Light Compensation. The values are Off, BLC (Auto), WDR, and HLC.
This feature should only be used in black lit environments. Below is a screenshot of this menu:
backlight compensation: Default will use the whole image to balance the lighting settings, and Customized will
allow you to balance the lighting settings from the target area.
Wide Dynamic Range makes multiple scans of a scene to provide one balanced and unwashed image that is
clear for the user.
Highlight compensation is a feature that came out of necessity due to overexposure from strong light sources like
headlights or spotlights.
To reset to default settings, click the
Reset Defaults
button. To refresh the screen, click on Refresh. To save the
settings, click the
button. WB
This dropdown box allows the user to select the white balance for the video feed. The different options are Auto,
Sunny, Night, Outdoor, and Customized. Selecting customized opens a menu that allows the user to set specific red or
blue values. Below is a screenshot of this menu: