59 Video
This section allows the user to change video settings for the camera’s video feed. There are 4 tabs in this menu
item: Video, Snapshot, Overlay, and Path. Video
Below is a screenshot that shows the Video tab in the Video menu item:
Below is an explanation for each of the fields on the Video tab in the Video menu item:
Code-Stream Type: This dropdown box allows the user to select different encode frame rates for different
recorded events. This includes the main stream, motion stream, and alarm stream. The camera supports
active control frame function (ACF). It allows the user to record in different frame rates. For example, a high
frame rate can be used to record important events, and a low frame rate can be used to record scheduled
events. The camera also allows for the option to set different frame rates for motion detection recordings and
alarm recordings.
Encode Mode: This dropdown box allows the user to select a compression protocol. The system supports
H.264 and MJPEG video compression protocols.
Resolution: This dropdown box allows the user to set the resolution. The system supports various resolutions
and they can be selected from this dropdown list.
Frame Rate (FPS): This dropdown box allows the user to select a frame rate. Frame rate settings are measured
in frames per second (FPS), and can range from 1f/s to 25f/s in PAL mode and 1f/s to 30f/s in NTSC mode.
Bit Rate Type: This dropdown box allows the user to select a bit rate type. The system supports two bit rate
types: CBR and VBR. In VBR mode, video quality can be set.
Reference Bit Rate: This is the recommended bit rate value according to the resolution and frame rate
Bit Rate: This dropdown box allows the user to select a bit rate.
Frame Interval: This field allows the user to set the P frame amount between two I frames. The value ranges
from 1 to 150 seconds. Default value is 50. Recommended value is frame rate *2.
Watermark Settings: This function allows the user to verify if the video has been tampered with.