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ME15 Magnetic Encoder Manual
Revision 1.1
Supply Voltage…………………..20 – 30VDC (+/- 5%)
Power Consumption (No Load)…< 0.6W
Measuring Range………………...360
, 180
, 90
, 45
Resolution……..…………………one part in 1024 voltage or current
Position Accuracy……………… 0.5
measuring range)
Linearity………………………….< 0.5% of output range
Repeat Accuracy…………………< 0.1% of output range
There are four different angular ranges available to be select (factory preset): 45º, 90 º, 180 º, and 360 º. The analog
output response is linear for the selected range. For 45 º - and 90 º - modes, the slope is mirrored at 180 º. For the 180 º
- mode, it has a step response at 270 º. This allows the ME15 to be used in a variety of applications. In these three
modes, the output remains at its’
values to avoid a sudden output change when the mechanical angle is
rotated beyond the selected analog range. In 360 º - mode, a jitter between
output value at the 360º point
is prevented due to a hysteresis.
The following diagrams show the output waveforms for the four angular ranges of an encoder ordered with CW
increasing output.
Figure 7: Angular Ranges with CW increasing