Ambit Microsystems Corporation
e: “Infrastructure” mode allows a wireless adapter to communicate with a wired network,
While “Ad-Hoc” mode allows wireless-to-wireless communication. Consult your System
Administrator for information about your network communication type. For more information
About Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc networks, see Chapter 2 of this manual
6. Select “Power Save Mode” and choose a “Value”.
To allow uninterrupted data communication, choose “Disabled” as the “Value”.
Choosing “Enabled” allows your notebook to enter “sleep” mode, however, this will interrupt
data communication. Consult your System Administrator to find out the best setting for your
network type. For more information about Power Save Mode, see the chapter entitled “LAN-Express
Configuration Utility” in this manual.
8. Select “SSID”; enter a “Value” of “ANY”.