Document Index.
1 Installation Requirements
1.1 Health & Safety
1.2 Model Definitions
2 Assembly Instructions
2.1 Tools Required
2.2 Assembly Notes
2.2.1 Tubes
2.2.2 Turbulators
2.2.3 Brackets Tube Alignment Sections
2.2.4 U Bends
2.2.5 Couplers
2.2.6 Reflectors
2.2.7 End Caps
2.2.8 Burner Assembly
2.2.9 Heat Exchanger Assembly
2.2.10 Detailed Assembly Drawings
3 User and Operating Instructions
3.3 To Start Heater
3.2 To Switch off Heater
3.3 Routine Maintenance Between Service Intervals
3.4 Frequency of Servicing
1. Installation
Isolate any electrical supply to the
heater and controller before proceeding.
Standards and Codes of Practice by a qualified
installer. Isolate all electrical supplies to the
heater & controller before proceeding.
1.2 Model
= AmbiRad Vision High efficiency U Tube
heater with forced burner, heat exchanger,
stainless steel reflector and end caps.
1.1 Health and Safety
accordance with the relevant provisions of the
Gas Safety (Installations and Use) Regulations
1998. Due account should also be taken of any
obligations arising from the Health and Safety
at Works Act 1974 or relevant codes of prac-
tice. In addition the installation must be carried
out in accordance with the current IEE wiring
regulations (BS 7671), BS 6896 (Industrial &
Commercial) and any other relevant British
and attention is required to ensure that working
at height regulations are adhered to at the
mounting heights specified.
PLEASE READ this document prior to
installation to familiarise yourself with the
components and tools you require at the various
stages of assembly.
All Dimensions shown are in mm unless
otherwise stated.
The manufacturer reserves the right to alter
specifications without prior notice.
Welcome to the new range of high efficiency
AmbiRad Vision radiant tube heaters. Local
regulations may vary in the country of use and
it is the installers responsibility to ensure that
such regulations are satisfied.
All installation, assembly, commissioning and
service procedures must be carried out by
appropriate to the statutory regulations in the
country of use.
When assembling, installing, commissioning
and servicing is undertaken on radiant tube
heaters specified in these instructions, due care