915i Frequently Asked Questions
6 of 6: FAQ-NS915-1.7
Q: How secure is the nScan 915i?
A: User account and configuration information is encrypted on the nScan 915i. Scans are
deleted from the nScan 915i as soon as they are successfully transmitted to the destination
location. If the send to destination fails, the user can save the scan to an alternate location or
flash drive. The user also has the choice of deleting the scan following a send to destination
failure. The nScan 915i does not respond to any inbound network traffic which prevents
unauthorized access from external sources.
Q: Can the USB port be disabled?
A: Yes.
Q: How can I restrict access to the nScan 915i?
A: You can set up a PIN code that must be entered before scanning.
Q: Is there any way to restrict which share network folders the nScan 915i has access to?
A: Yes. The scanner must have the correct credentials to save to shared folders. You can also
set up scan jobs to save to specific folders and then disable the Scan to Network option.