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Using your Scanner
Defining your document and image settings with your Presto! PageManager7.
TWAIN Custom Settings control panel page allows you to select from the most common paper
sizes, image settings and basic file output information.
Scanned image files are saved and displayed as JPEG format.
The TWAIN control panel (shown above) allows you to control all details and settings of the
scanner. This type of “fine-adjustment” may be necessary for some of your document need.
When scanning documents make sure the image side to be captured is inserted faced down.
Please note the Page Tabs at the top of the TWAIN control panel; they are: Custom Settings,
Information, and Language. Take a moment to explore these Tabs and their functions. The
Information Tab provides important information regarding the software driver version. This
may be required if you want to know if the software you are using is the latest version.
The Custom Settings control panel allows you to change the settings to the detailed
specification that you feel are required. You can adjust the Mode, Resolution, Filter (None or
De-screen) together with scanning size. In addition, you can also adjust the Brightness,
Contrast, Color (Gamma), Highlight and Shadow of the image with the 5 slide-bar controls.
In case you forget the original settings of these slide-bar controls, you can press the RESET
button, which restores these settings to the scanner default settings. Once your settings are
defined, select either “Preview” button to take a quick look at how your image will look in the
scanning window or you can press “SCAN” button to perform final scanning.
Using DocketPORT
667 scanner with other applications
667 scanner is fully TWAIN compliant, you can use it with literally thousands of
applications that use standard TWAIN device input. From desktop publishing to games, and from
faxing to business card scanning, you will discover many useful applications for this scanner. Simply
select the scanner source from your program’s “source” options and look for the DocketPORT
list. Sometimes these “source” scanner options may be found under TWAIN devices available or
“import from”.