Version 1.2
©Copyright 2017, Ambient LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Page 12
Select Station
Weather Station Type
Figure 12. From the Menu tab, choose
Select Station.
At the top of the page, Select Use Internal RF Sensor
At the bottom of the page, select and Metostick: WS1000 for Ambient Weather Observer Series or
Meteostick: Vantage for Davis Instruments Vantage Series based on your type of weather station.
Enter your weather station frequency (US or European).
Davis Instruments Vantage Rain Gain
For USA versions of the Davis Instruments Vantage Series, use 0.01 in. For EU versions, use 0.2 mm.
RF Sensitivity
The RF sensitivity setting provides a tradeoff between wireless sensitivity and noise rejection. The
default setting is -90 db and should not be modified unless the reception is challenging. Consult
technical support if you have a connection issue from the weather station to the WeatherBridgePro.
Local Settings
Station Altitude
Enter your station altitude in meters. The WeatherBridgePro will automatically calculate the sea-level
corrected pressure (or relative pressure) from the measured pressure (or absolute pressure).
To convert feet to meters:
1 foot = 0.3048 meters
Example: I live at 1,000 feet. What is the altitude in meters?
Altitude (meters) = 1,000 feet x 0.3048 meters/feet = 304.8 meters.
Your console relative pressure may be different than the WeatherBridgePro calculated pressure
because of the difference in the methodology of calculating relative or sea-level corrected pressure.
Pressure Correction
It may be necessary to adjust the relative pressure (pressure relative to sea-level) after your station
altitude is entered to compensate for any inaccuracies.