Quick-start AMB8466-M-GMM Configurator
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Stand: 18.12.2013
Figure 3: Read configuration
Because of the radio transmission of the read out and the prevailing activity on the channel it
may happen that packets are lost. In such an event the GMM Configurator will try to complete
read out or write requests by repeating the transmissions.
Adapt configuration
After confirmation of the success message the read out data is displayed. The display is split
into two tabs namely, configuration of the user-settings and enhanced user-settings.
The user-settings contain the AES key (in hexadecimal format), the transmission interval (TX
Nom), the activation of the synchronous transmit mode (TX Sync Enable) and two buttons for
the selection of the wM-Bus mode S or T. This data is used exclusively for the radio link.
Figure 4: User-settings and enhanced user-settings