Kindle 2 User’s Guide 3
To set up your Kindle e-mail address, follow the steps below:
On your computer, open your Web browser and go to
to your Amazon.com account.
In the Your Kindle(s) section, select "Edit Info."
In the Kindle E-mail Address text field, change the first part of the e-mail address to what
you would like it to be. The @kindle.com will automatically be appended.
Select "Update information" to save your changes and close the text entry box.
Your Kindle will only receive converted files from e-mail addresses you have authorized on the
Manage Your Kindle page to help prevent spam. The default setting dictates that only items sent
from your Amazon.com account e-mail address will be forwarded. You can add e-mail addresses
to the list by visiting http://www.amazon.com/manageyourkindle
In Manage Your Kindle, add the addresses of your friends, co-workers, or anyone else you
would like to enable to send you files:
In the Your Kindle approved e-mail list section from
http://www.amazon.com/manageyourkindle, enter the e-mail address in the blank box.
Select "Add Address."
Once you have set up the e-mail addresses, you can send and convert your personal documents
by following the steps below:
Attach your document to a new e-mail or forward an existing e-mail that has a document
attached. A subject is not necessary.
Address the e-mail to your Kindle e-mail address for wireless delivery directly to your
Kindle; a small fee will be charged for the wireless delivery.
Send the e-mail.
If you would like to avoid the fee, address the e-mail so that the second part of your Kindle
e-mail address is @free.kindle.com. After sending to the @free.kindle.com address, a link to the
converted file will be e-mailed to your Amazon.com e-mail address. You can then download the
file to your Kindle's documents folder via USB using your computer.
The conversion service on Your Kindle is meant for the receipt of personal, non-commercial
documents only. You may not authorize the sending of documents from automated distribution
8.4 Audiobooks and MP3s
You can purchase, transfer, and play audiobooks from Audible.com as well as transfer MP3 files
to Kindle to play as background audio while you read.
Содержание Kindle Kindle 2
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