To begin disassembling the Amazon Kindle Fire
HD 7” tablet, insert the plastic opening tool in
the seam around the perimeter of the back
cover. Work your way around the Kindle Fire to
separate the clips that secure the back cover to
the body of the unit. Remove the back cover
from the Kindle.
Next, locate and remove the five screws that
secure the battery to the body of the Kindle.
Step 3
Step 1 - Battery
Step 2
Page 2 of
Amazon Kindle Fire HD
–Disassemble Guide
Unplug the connection for the battery from the
motherboard with the spudger.
Use the small Phillips screwdriver to remove the
four Phillips screws (#00).
Use the T5 torx screwdriver to remove the one
T5 torx screw.
There is a black antenna wire that runs the
length of the battery cover. Pry up the plug‘s
connection and peel the wire out of the channel.
Remove the black antenna wire from the battery
You can now remove the battery from the Kindle
Fire HD.