iptablesrocks.org - Iptables Log Analyzer
syntax & structure
The iptablesrocks.org iptables firewall setup guide
Installing Iptables Log Analyzer:
Iptables Log Analyzer is a package that analyzes the log output from your iptables firewall, stores the info in a database and then produces a nice user
friendly web interface from where you can monitor your firewall log output at any time. The interface even lets you sort throught the logs and group
logs by category. The official site for Iptables Log Analyzer can be found at
So let's install it...
The first thing you will need to do is to download the Iptables Log Analyzer package. You can download the latest copy of the package right here:
Now unpack it...
tar zxvf iptables_logger_v0.4.tar.gz
And now let's start the installation...
cd iptables
Log into mysql and do the database work...
mysql -u root -p
create a database called "iptables"...
mysql> create database iptables;
Now create an admin user for the database...
mysql> grant all privileges on iptables.* to iptables_admin@localhost identified by 'xxxxx';
And a database user for the php interface...
mysql> grant all privileges on iptables.* to iptables_user@localhost identified by 'xxxxx';
All done. Let's exit out.
mysql> quit
Now import the "iptables" database information into the database...
cat db.sql | mysql -u iptables_admin -p iptables
OK, the database should be ready now. Next we'll Install the web interface.
cp -R web /path/to/webdocs/directory/firewall
(Example: cp -R web /var/www/html/firewall)
Now you will need to configure the web interface. This is done via the "config.php" file within the interface files.
vi /path/to/webdocs/directory/firewall/config.php
(Example: vi /var/www/html/firewall/config.php
Make sure your configuration data is as follows:
http://www.iptablesrocks.org/guide/analyze.php (1 of 3) [2/13/2004 8:04:55 PM]