7. Set High Alarm Setpoint:
e.g. ^Bh!^M1^M1000^M to set alarm 1 high setpoint to 1000 using Telix or similar (address 1)
Instructs unit to change value of high alarm setpoint. Format of returned data is:-
<ACK> is Acknowledge (6 Dec, 06 Hex)
h echo command received ‘h’ (104 Dec, 68 Hex)
A is the responding unit’s address
N is the setpoint number in ASCII e.g.: 31 Hex would be alarm 1 etc.
X is SPACE for positive and ‘-’ for negative
YYYY is the setpoint value in ASCII
<CR> is a Carriage Return (13 Dec, 0D Hex)
If setpoint number specified is not present the return string will have the setpoint number set to zero
(i.e.: <ACK>hA0XYYYY).
8. Tare Using Current Display Value:
e.g. ^BT$^M using Telix or similar (address 4).
Instructs the unit to tare the instrument using the current display value (if tare has been selected in
special functions mode). Format of returned data is:-
<ACK> is Acknowledge (6 Dec, 06 Hex)
T is echo command received ‘T’ (84 Dec, 54 Hex)
A is the responding unit’s address
<CR> is a Carriage Return (13 Dec, 0D Hex)
If tare is not valid then the invalid command message will be returned (refer Invalid Command later).
9. Transmit Instrument Model and Version:
e.g. ^BI!^M using Telix or similar (address 1)
Instructs unit to return the model and version number of the instrument. Format of returned data is:-
<ACK> is Acknowledge (6 Dec, 06 Hex)
I is echo command received ‘I’ (73 Dec, 49 Hex)
A is the responding unit’s address
CC is a one or two character model identifier (e.g.: ‘E’ )
X.X is the version number (e.g.: ‘0.1’)
<CR> is a Carriage Return (13 Dec, 0D Hex)
10. Invalid Command
If the command received from the host is not valid then the unit will return the following:-
<ACK> is Acknowledge (6 Dec, 06 Hex)
? is the character ‘?’ (63 Dec, 3F Hex)
A is the responding unit’s address
<CR> is a Carriage Return (13 Dec, 0D Hex)
If the address received from the host does not match the units address then the unit will not respond
at all.
Other commands may be added to suit the particular configuration of each instrument. Value read
commands will have the same format as the Transmit Primary Value command. Set Value commands will
have the same format as the Set Low Alarm Setpoint command etc.
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