Congratulations! You will quickly realize that you have purchased the
most effective air cleaning and treatment system available anywhere. It incorpo-
rates “state of the art”
(High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance) technology.
This is the equipment that respiratory specialists recommend.
AMAIRCARE Air Filtration System
comes with a limited warranty.
With proper attention to its care and maintenance, you will receive a lifetime opti-
mum performance.
If your indoor air has abnormally high concentrations of particulate,
odors or toxins, the life span of the filter media may be shortened. Excessive par-
ticulate in the air will reduce the expected life of the
filter as it will ultimately
restrict the flow of air through the unit. Under normal conditions the
filter will
last from two to five years, and its ability to remove very small particulate actually
improves with use. The activated carbon media has a finite limit as to the amount
of odor or other gaseous toxins that it can absorb. Again, the higher the concen-
trations, the shorter the expected life. Normally, the first stage pre-filter should be
cleaned monthly and replaced quarterly.
As indicated above, the
filter’s particulate removal efficiency
improves with use. However, the air flow through the HEPA filter media will ulti-
mately begin to decrease, thus lowering its ability to circulate and clean as much
air as when it was new. If the air flow through your unit is noticeably reduced, you
can inspect the
filter by removing it and seeing if the filter paper is darkened
on the inlet or outer side. If it is, the filter cartridge should be replaced.
Please contact your local Amaircare dealer or call
Corporation Customer Service Department at (905) 565-9488 regarding replace-
ment of filter media, warranty information or if you have any questions or con-
cerns about the performance of your
AMAIRCARE Air Filtration System.