4. Configuration
Reserved TCP Ports
The following TCP ports of the Ethernet interfaces, both local and remote, are used by CPUs
services, so they are reserved and cannot be used by the user: 80, 8080, 1217, 1740, 1741, 1742,1743
and 11740.
Ethernet Interfaces Advanced Configurations
The HX3040 CPU Ethernet channels can be configured in three different modes: individually, in NIC
Teaming pairs or in Switch mode. Possible pairs: NET 1+2, NET 3+4 and NET 5+6. The pair
configuration is always stored in the odd NET. Therefore, when configured as part of a pair, the
fields of NETs 2, 4 and 6 are disabled.
The Ethernet interfaces advanced settings (Figure 4-9) follows the parameters described in Table
Figure 4-9. Ethernet Interfaces Advanced Settings
Enables the operation mode of
the Ethernet Interface
Nic Teaming
Table 4-26. Ethernet Interfaces Advanced Settings
Normal Mode:
In this mode, the interface operates as an independent Ethernet port, with no relation
to the subsequent interface.
NIC Teaming Mode:
In this mode, the interface forms a redundant pair with the subsequent
interface, operating in an active/standby scheme. A NIC Teaming pair has a unique IP address
associated to the current active interface. Thus, a client as a SCADA or MasterTool Xtorm,
connected to a server on the CPU, does not need to change the IP address if there is failure in one of
the ports of the pair. In addition, each interface of the NIC Teaming pair has individual diagnosis,
which facilitates the debugging of eventual failures.
When the NIC Teaming is selected, in the same screen displays other parameters will be enabled and
may be set.
Period of Redundancy Test (ms): Period of sending of the communication test frame between the
two NETs. It can be configured with values between 100 and 9900. Default: 500.
Retries of Redundancy Test: Maximum number of times that the NET which sent the frame will
wait for the answer. It can be configured with values between 1 and 100. Default: 4.
Switching Period (s): Maximum period of time the Active NET will wait for a given frame. It
can be configured with values between 1 and 25. Default: 10.
If the Redundancy Test response time reaches the Test Period times the Number of Retries and the
active interface remains active for a time higher than the Switching Period without receiving any