6. HX3040 Redundancy
After sending the project to one of the CPUs, the other one will download the project automatically
by means of internal sync channel.
Within the project developed with the MasterTool and loaded on the CPU in this step, it was defined
new IP addresses for the interface NET 1 of CPUA and CPUB, as well as an IP address for the
interface NET of CPU 1 active (Active IP address) – see section HX3040 CPU Ethernet Ports
Configuration .
Therefore, after this initial charge, that IP address discovered in the first step of this procedure
normally is no longer valid. This change of IP address on NET 1 will cause a loss of connection of
MasterTool with CPU, which will be notified, only the NET1 can be used to communicate with the
CPU via MasterTool. For more details about how to reconnect the MasterTool see MasterTool
connection with a HX3040 CPU from a Redundant CPU.
MasterTool connection with a HX3040 CPU from a Redundant CPU
After performing the procedure described in section Initial Load of a Redundant Project in both
CPUs (CPUA and CPUB), the connection to the MasterTool, through the NET 1 interface of
HX3040 CPU, can be made using one of the following addresses:
CPUA IP address: NET 1 address exclusively for CPUA
CPUB IP address: NET 1 address exclusively for CPUB
Regardless of the State of the CPU, the MasterTool can only connect to it using the unique address
NET1 of the CPU, configured at IP address of CPUx. However, if the CPU is in the active state, all
other services will be able to connect to the CPU by both the IP address of CPUx and the active IP
To connect to a particular CPU, the user must double-click on the Device (HX3040) in the device
tree, enter the tab "Communication Settings", click on the Gateway, and press the button "Map
Network" to list all PLCs detected by MasterTool on the network.
In this list, the user can find the following default IDs, if the CPU name on the network has not been
changed previously by the user:
HX3040_<IP address>_PLCA: CPUA identification. In this case, the field <IP address> must
match the IP address of CPUA configured in the project.
HX3040_<IP address>_PLCB: CPUB identification. In this case, the field <IP address> must
match the IP address of CPUB configured in the project.
Next, the user must select the CPU on this list where the MasterTool should connect, and press the
button "Set Active Path". Later, when running the command from the menu Online/Login, the
MasterTool connects to this CPU.
The MasterTool can only connect to one CPU at a time. To connect to various CPUs, multiple
instances of the MasterTool must be opened, taking care always to open the correct project in each
instance, for example, connecting to CPUA in an instance of the MasterTool, opening the same
project and connecting the CPUB. Changes should not be made on the condition of multiple
instances of the same project open.
Load of Changes to a Redundant Project
After the two CPUs (CPUA and CPUB) that compose the redundant system have already received an
initial load, as described in section Initial Load of a Redundant Project, it is possible to load
subsequent modifications of the project, as such modifications are required.
MasterTool's connection to CPUs to run the load of modifications must be made as described in
section MasterTool connection with a HX3040 CPU from a Redundant CPU. This section explains
how the user can connect to a specific CPU (CPUA or CPUB), or to the active/non-active CPU.