2.Compressor Speed
: This parameter represents the speed with which the
signal is compressed once it goes beyond the Compressor Threshold. This
is true only if the Min value is different from 0dB.
4.Compressor Threshold
: This is the threshold beyond which the signal is
5.Hold Threshold
: When this threshold is crossed by the signal level, coming
from the compression region, the compression coefficient is maintained steady.
When the crossing is from the expansion region, then is the expansion coeff-
icient that is kept the same.
: This is the maximum expansion ratio between input and output in the
expansion region.
: This is the maximum compression ratio between input and output in the compre-
ssion region.
The AGC = Const. areas are regions where the multiplying coefficient value
assumes the
last calculated before crossing the different thresholds, so in the expansion area
the COEF agc value is increasing, while in the compression area the COEF agc
value is decreasing.
As the name implies , compression reduces the dynamic range of a signal. It is
used extensively in audio recording, production work , noise reduction, and live
performance applications, but it does need to be used with care.
A compressor is basically a variable gain device, where the amount of gain used
depends on the level of the input. In this case, the gain will be reduced when the
signal level is high which makes louder passages softer, reducing the dynamic
5.2 Dynamic Compression Process
3.Expander Threshold
: Expander Threshold is the threshold beyond which the
signal is expanded.
1.Expander Speed
: The parameter Expander Speed represents the speed with
which the signal is expanded beyond the Expander Threshold, this is true only
if the Max value is different from 0dB.
Compressor Ratio
Max Level
AGC Coet = Decreased = f(Comp Speed)
Threshold Comp
Threshold Hold
Threshold Exp
AGC Coef = Constant
AGC Coef =increment = f(Exp Speed)
AGC Coef =Constant
AGC Coef Min = f(Cmp Ratio)
AGC Coef Max = f(Exp Ratio)
Exp Ratio