Testing the altimeter
Proper use of an altimeter involves constant checking to ensure safety.
To ensure your safety, Alti-2 Inc.
checking your altimeter using
the following methods:
Test your altimeter on the ground using an altitude test chamber.
Compare your altimeter performance to other altimeters during the climb to
Visit Alti-2, Inc. at various events throughout the United States for a free
Calibration Check on your altimeter. Events are listed at www.alti-2.com
Base jumping
Altimaster altimeters are designed to be useful in the range of altitudes typically used by
skydivers. Base jumping altitudes and safety factors are completely different. Alti-2 has not
investigated the suitability of Altimaster altimeters for use in base jumping and has no plans
to do so in the future.
DO NOT use an Altimaster Altimeter for Base Jumping
Safety Notices
Check and consider safety notices that apply to products being used. Check with PIA,
other manufacturers, ALTI-2 Inc. directly or the ALTI-2 Inc. web page, drop zone
message boards, riggers, etc., for any applicable safety notices.
Alti-2 Inc Web Page Address - http://www.alti-2.com
An altimeter is a mechanical device and subject to failure. Do not rely upon an altimeter
for your safety. If the altimeter appears to be non-functional, use other methods to
determine your altitude and act appropriately.