Micro VoIP 200
User Manual
Appendix III – How to make off-Net Calls (PSTN calls)
There are two ways to make the off-net calls (call to PSTN numbers). One is via other proxy server
and the other is via the local FXO gateway.
For method one, the Micro VoIP 200 needs to register to a sip proxy server provided by a service
provider, this could be configured in the
Proxy Server
page (see section 4.2). The following web page is
an example of setting Micro VoIP 200 to register to a proxy server “psip1.mclink.it”, and this service is
named “MC”.
Since a Micro VoIP 200 could register to up to sixteen different proxy servers, so, there must be a
way to direct a call to go to the correct proxy server you desired to use. This is done through the
settings (see section 4.3). For example, as depicted in the following web page of a call route
setting, if you want to make the off-net call via MC Link proxy server, you have to dial 9 followed by the
PSTN phone number. The Micro VoIP 200 will direct this call to the MC Link proxy server and drop
digit 9 before sending the telephone number to the proxy server. The MC Link proxy server will then call
to the correct PSTN phone number.