August 2012
Altera Corporation
100G Development Kit, Stratix V GX Edition
Reference Manual
1. Overview
The 100G Development Kit, Stratix
V GX Edition allows you to evaluate the
performance of the Stratix V GX FPGA in a 100G design. This document provides the
detailed pin-out and component reference information required to create FPGA
designs that interface with all components on the board.
For information about setting up the Stratix V GX 100G development board and using
the included software, refer to the
100G Development Kit, Stratix V GX Edition User
General Description
The Stratix V GX 100G development board provides a hardware platform for
evaluating the performance and signal integrity features of the Altera
Stratix V GX
devices. The board features the following major component blocks:
Stratix V GX FPGA (5SGXEA7N2F45C2N) in 1932-pin FineLine BGA
622,000 logic elements (LEs)
50-Mbits (Mb) embedded memory
48 transceivers
210 full-duplex LVDS channels
28 phase locked loops (PLLs)
512 18x18-bit multipliers
840 user I/Os
2 PCI Express hard IP blocks
II 324-pin CPLD (EPM2210F324C3N)
FPGA configuration
II CPLD and Flash Fast Passive Parallel (FPP) configuration
1-Gigabit (Gb) flash storage for two configuration images (factory and user)
On-board USB-Blaster
II for use with the Quartus
II Programmer, Nios
software, and System Console
JTAG header for external USB-Blaster
Twelve 256-Mb DDR3 SDRAM devices
Two 72-Mb QDR II SRAM devices
Status and setup elements
FPGA clock sources