Figure 9: Factory build restoration page
11. Load "*\software_examples\factory_images\" in "Webpages File Name"
column and "*\software_examples\factory_images\ext_flash.flash" in "Software File Name"
column and then upload them
Figure 10: Raw page for factory recovery
12. Check whether it uploads successfully or not
13. Power cycle the board again
14. Type "nios2-terminal;" in NIOS command shell again to check whether it can get IP
address as expected
15. Launch IE and type its IP address in the address bar to see whether the webpage is
working or not
1) n* stands for USB cable number, e.g. "cable 1"
2) Dual-boot images:
Dual compressed image #0: BUP A build
Dual compressed image #1: GPIO (bts_config) build which is also available on Design
Please turn to the "Selecting the Internal Configuration Scheme" section of the User
Guide for Dual Configuration feature
3) Ethernet Port A is used by the factory BUP build by default