© October 2009 Altera Corporation
Cyclone III LS FPGA Development Board Reference Manual
2. Board Components
This chapter introduces the major components on the Cyclone III LS FPGA
development board.
Figure 2–1
illustrates major component locations and
Table 2–1
provides a brief description of all component features of the board.
A complete set of schematics, a physical layout database, and GERBER files for the
development board reside in the Cyclone III LS FPGA development kit documents
For information about powering up the board and installing the demonstration
software, refer to the
Cyclone III LS FPGA Development Kit User Guide
This chapter consists of the following sections:
“Board Overview”
“Featured Device: Cyclone III LS Device” on page 2–4
“MAX II CPLD EPM2210 System Controller” on page 2–6
“Configuration, Status, and Setup Elements” on page 2–11
“Clock Circuitry” on page 2–20
“General User Input/Output” on page 2–23
“Components and Interfaces” on page 2–27
“Memory” on page 2–35
“Power Supply” on page 2–44
“Statement of China-RoHS Compliance” on page 2–47
Board Overview
This section provides an overview of the Cyclone III LS FPGA development board,
including an annotated board image and component descriptions.
Figure 2–1
provides an overview of the development board features.