System description and Delivery notes
1. System description and Delivery notes
The temp-gard tem per a ture recorder sys tem
mea sures and saves object and air tem per a ture
dur ing the cure pro cess. Doc u men ta tion and anal-
y sis of tem per a ture pro files is made easy with the
included tem pchart soft ware: all you need to con-
trol and opti mize your bak ing pro cess.
The temp-gard data log ger comes in two con fig-
u ra tions, 12 tem per a ture probe con nec tions or 6
probe con nec tions. The data log ger has a new
inno va tive design with a large color graph ics dis-
play and USB mem ory stick con nec tion for easy
data trans fer.
temp-gard sys tem:
• USB mem ory stick inter face pro vides easy data
trans fer for in the field or in plant loca tions
• Long bat tery life using 2 stan dard AA alka line
bat teries
• Large color screen for numer i cal or graph i cal
dis play of data
• Robust ther mal bar rier made of stain less steel
with safe high tem per a ture insu la tion
• High accu racy guar an tees long-term reli able
• Light weight easy to carry ther mal bar rier
Hard ware Require ments:
Oper at ing sys tem: Win dows® 2000 or higher
Excel® ver sion: 2002 or higher VBA
Mem ory: min. 256 MB RAM (rec om mended 512
Hard disk capac ity: min. 100 MB
Mon i tor res o lu tion: XGA (1024 x 768) or higher
Disk drive: CD-ROM or DVD
Inter face: USB-port
Содержание BYK Temp-gard 12p
Страница 1: ...Additives Instruments A member of Measure what you see temp gard 6p temp gard 12p Manual...
Страница 2: ...1 temp gard Manual Patent pending 255 021 547 E 1103 www byk com instruments...
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