Headphones can be with a double or single muff. In case of using a double muff
headphone, the two speakers should be wired in parallel mode.
The volume control allows attenuating or amplifying the signal sent to the
headphones. This control adjusts the listen level to the headphones as you wish.
The PA-MIC switch allows to enable the PA OUTPUT placed at the rear panel,
which normally is disabled, and to carry out this way the microphone signal sending
picked up in the HEADSET to other audio systems, activating at the same time the
multipurpose relay (PA OUTPUT RELAY) placed at the rear panel (factory set-up).
In fact, we have explained the factory set-up in the previous paragraph. The PA OUTPUT can
be configured to always be enable, one can enable the PA OUTPUT and the multipurpose relay
activating the channel A and/ or B microphone independently or activating the buzzer mute signal
(BUZZER REMOTE MUTES). Whenever the PA OUTPUT and the multipurpose relay are activated, the
PA-MIC switch associated LED will turn on (in the case of activating the PA OUTPUT permanently,
the multipurpose relay won't be always activated, and the PA-MIC associated LED will turn off). In
order to obtain more information, consult the special operations section.
This switch enables/ disables the buzzer sound when the unit receives a call.
When this switch is pressed quickly, and the buzzer is enabled, it will be disabled,
and the LED indicator will turn off. On the other hand, if the buzzer was disabled, it
will be enabled and the LED indicator will lighten up.
The buzzer sound is different when a call from the channel A is received that when is
received from the channel B, as well as when a simultaneous call from both channels takes place.
The buzzer also sounds when any switch is pressed, emitting a short hoot, whose level is
higher when it is enabled than when it is disabled.
The buzzer sound level can be configured with an internal jumper (in the factory set-up the
buzzer sound level is configured high). In order to obtain more information, consult the special
operations section.
When the buzzer switch is pressed and holds one second, the unit enters in global mode
and the LED associated with the buzzer switch begins to blink.
When the unit is in global mode, it is possible to carry out calls from the master unit to all the
intercom channels (to all channels of the master unit and to all channels of the slave units), simply
pressing the CALL switch of any of the master unit channels.
Also in global mode, we can turn on/ off the microphones and the buzzer remote mute
signal (see the next paragraph for more information) of the master unit and all their associated
slave units. If the mic switch (TALK) of any of the intercom channels is pressed (when the system is
in global mode), and the microphone was disabled (the associated LED was turn off), all the
microphones of the master unit and all their associated slave units will be enabled. On the other
hand, if the microphone was enabled (the associated LED was turn on), all the microphones of the
master unit and all their associate slave units will be disabled.
The buzzer remote mute signal works in a similar way. If the buzzer remote mute was
disabled, upon pressing the buzzer remote mute switch (when the system is in global mode), the
buzzer remote mute signal of the master station and all their associated slave units will be
enabled. On the other hand, if the buzzer remote mute signal was enabled, the buzzer remote
mute signal of the master station and all their associated slave units will be disabled.
Once the call switch, the microphone switch or the buzzer remote mute switch was pressed
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