Alpha ECG-125 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

103 Bauer Drive, Oakland, NJ 07436 • 800-648-7229 • Fax: 800-286-0114

Part No: ECG-125






Instruction Manual



Содержание ECG-125

Страница 1: ...103 Bauer Drive Oakland NJ 07436 800 648 7229 Fax 800 286 0114 www alpha tools com Part No ECG 125 ECG 225 Alpha Ecogrinder Instruction Manual MANUAL VERSION 5 ...

Страница 2: ...ion Cords 10 Grounding Instructions 10 Additional Precautions For Using The Ecogrinder 11 Safety Advice 11 How To Grind 12 How To Handle The Grinder 12 Ecogrinder Operation 13 Main Connection 13 Circuit Breaker 14 Before Use 14 About Double Insulation 16 Laws And Regulations Of Noise Levels 16 Using The Tool 16 Open Surface Grinding 16 Edge Grinding 16 Dust Hose and Bag Installation 17 Ecogrinder ...

Страница 3: ...cement 30 Testing The Unit For Flow 30 Inner Fan Belt Removal 31 Inspecting and Cleaning The Fan Belts and Pulleys 32 Reinstalling The Inner Fan Belt 32 Removal Of The Outer Fan Belt 33 Reinstalling The Outer Fan Belt 34 Alpha Ecogrinder Motor Schematic ECG 125 35 Alpha Ecogrinder Attachment Schematic 36 Alpha Ecogrinder Parts List ECG 125 37 Services And Warranty Information 41 Loaner Program 41 ...

Страница 4: Spring Loaded Flange Assembly and Drive Plate Adapter Arbor 7 8 22 23mm To be used with Manual Height Adjustment Flange Assembly Weight 12 70 lbs 5 76kgs Tool w Hose and Bag Cord 10ft 3m Single Phase 2 Conductor Figure 1 Protective Grinding Wheel Cover Aux Handle Dust Brush Edge Grinding Slide Cover Slide Cover Knob Fan Case Spindle Locking Pin Fan Belt Cover Power Switch Power Switch Lock ...

Страница 5: ...ed Flange Assembly Part Nos 801375 801376 801377 801378 801379 5 Carbon Brush Set Part No 801594 6 Pin Spanner Wrench 34 mm Part No 130434 7 Top Handle w Screw Lock Washers Part No 801354 8 5 Grinding Wheel w 26mm Arbor Part No DSQ0500 9 Fan Belt Set Part No 133508 10 Manual Height Adjustment Flange Assembly Part No 890001 Figure 2 OPTIONAL ACCESSORY ...

Страница 6: ...nder incorrectly WARNING There is a possibility of death or serious personal injury when handling this grinder incorrectly CAUTION Thereisapossibilityofpersonalinjuryorpropertydamagewhen handling this grinder incorrectly NOTE Insomesituations failingtoobserveWARNINGnotescouldresultindeathorseri ouspersonalinjury Besuretoreadandobservethesafetynotestoensuresafety and correct use of the grinder ELEC...

Страница 7: ... carry electricity away from the user Avoid body contact with grounded surfaces such as pipes radiators ranges and refrigerators Thereisanincreasedriskofelectricshockifyourbodyisgrounded Don t expose power tools to rain or wet conditions Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of electric shock Donotabusethecord Neverusethecordtocarrythetoolsorpulltheplugfroman outlet Keepcordawayfromhe...

Страница 8: ...aking any adjustments chang ing accessories or storing the tool Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the tool accidentally Store idle tools out of the reach of children and other untrained persons Tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users Maintaintoolswithcare Keeptoolssharpandcleanforbetterandsaferperformance Followinstructionsforlubricatingandchangingaccessories ...

Страница 9: ...ety glasses Protect your lungs Wear a face or dust mask if the operation is dusty Protect your hearing Wear hearing protection during extended periods of opera tion Inspect tool cords periodically and if damaged have repaired at your nearest Fac toryServiceCenterorotherAuthorizedServiceOrganization Constantlystayaware of cord location Check damaged parts Before further use of the tool a guard or o...

Страница 10: ... damaged or worn cord immediately When using an extension cord be sure to use one heavy enough to carry the current your product will draw Anundersizedcordwillcauseadropinlinevoltageresultinginlossofpowerand overheating Below table shows the correct size to use depending on cord length and nameplateampererating Ifindoubt usethenextheaviergauge Thesmallerthegauge number the heavier the cord Ampere ...

Страница 11: ... to a complete stop before putting it down Always wear safety glasses and ear protection when working with this machine It isfurtherrecommendedtowearsafetygloves apron aswellassturdynon slipping shoes Only use grinding wheels whose permitted speed is at least as high as the highest no load speed of the machine Be sure wheels fit tool properly and securely Do not modify the tool to force fit the wh...

Страница 12: ...ratingmarked onthistool Runninggrindingwheelsovertheirratedspeedscanflyapartandcause injury CAUTION 1 Do not press the lock pin while the wheel is rotating 2 Do not turn the switch on with the lock pin pressed down HOW TO HANDLE THE GRINDER 1 Itisnotnecessarytoapplymoreforceontothemachinethantheforcecreatedbythe weight of the machine itself 2 Applyingexcessiveforcemaydamagethegrindingwheelandburnu...

Страница 13: ...ecifiedon the rating plate SWITCHING ON AND OFF CAUTION Beforeplugginginthetool alwayschecktheworkingvoltageandbesurethatthevoltage specifiedisonthe name plate Before plugginginthetool always checkto see thatthe trigger switch actuates properly and returns to the OFF position Switching on and Off Intermittent Use Switching on Press the trigger switch Switch off Release the trigger switch Continuou...

Страница 14: ...placed TheEcogrinderissuppliedwithanin linecircuitbreaker Intheeventthatthebreakeris tripped pushthebuttontoreset Onceyouareabletoresetthecircuitbreaker runthetool in a no load condition allowing air to pass over the motor and cool it down BEFORE USE DANGER Beforeusingthemachine checkthefollowingitems Inparticular checkitems1to5before plugging the power supply cord into the power outlet 1 Check th...

Страница 15: ...eroutlet theoutletshouldbereplaced Forsuchtask consultanelectrician Ifthepower outlet is used on a continuous basis it may overheat and cause accidents 6 Perform test runs WARNING 1 Before turning the switch ON make sure the rotating parts are not touching anything If the switch is turned ON while they are in contact with anything else the wheel may get damaged and may cause injuries 2 When a new ...

Страница 16: ...ations USING THE TOOL OPEN SURFACE GRINDING Undernormaloperation theslidecoverassemblyshouldremainintheclosedposition shielding the grinding wheel inside the protective housing See Figure 5 Slide Cover Assembly closed Slide Locking Knob Nut Figure 5 Figure 6 Slide Cover Assembly Closed Open Slide Cover Assembly open EDGE GRINDING CAUTION Whenyougrindclosetoawall turnthelockingknobnutcounterclockwi...

Страница 17: ...tween the grinding wheel and the wall DUST HOSE AND BAG INSTALLATION 1 Install the back flow preventer assembly to the Ecogrinder exhaustport withthedustgate in the upright position so flap willclosewhenthetoolisturned off 2 Slide the dust hose onto the backflow preventer assembly twist and turn until the hose is up against the shoulder of the back flow preventer assembly Dust Gate Figure 8 Back F...

Страница 18: ... use the dust bag and hoseshouldlieflatontheground Whenthebagisnewitwillnotinflate immediately As the pores in the bag become clogged the bag will start to inflate Note Asthebagfillsupandcreatesbackpressure thesuctionwilldecrease Whendust isnotbeingremovedfromtheworksurface youshouldcheckthefanbeltsand or replace the bag Hook Loop Strap Dust Bag Hose Shoulder Dust Bag Holder Raised Lip Figure 10 D...

Страница 19: ...useserioushazards Werecommendthattoolserviceandrepairsnotcoveredinthemanualbepreformedby an Alpha Authorized Repair Center Periodicmaintenanceisdonetocheckthetoolandtominimizedowntime Thesechecks aredonebasedonhoursofoperationandoperatingconditions Operatingconditionscan varydependingontheworksurfaceandjobbeingpreformed Ifthetoolisnotusedfora longperiodoftime thecarbonbrushesshouldbecheckedandthec...

Страница 20: ...omoftheslot DANGER Besuretounplugthepowercordfromtheoutletbeforeservicingtheunit topreventelectri cal shock or starting the tool accidentally 1 Remove the four self tapping Phillips screws holding on the rear handle 2 Splithandleandturnitonitssidetogetaccesstothecarbonbrushholder Remove the small Phillips screw to remove the carbon brush holder 4 Self tapping Screws in handle Carbon Brush Coil Spr...

Страница 21: ...ontheleftbelow isaworncarbonbrushintheholder Note thetwistedwire isattheendoftheslotandthecarbonbrushisalmostflushwithholder Ontheright below is a new carbon brush in the holder NOTE Carbonbrushessometimewearatdifferentrates however bothcarbonbrushes shouldbereplacedatthesametime Thecarbonbrushesinthisgrinderarelocated under the rear handle WARNING Replacingthe carbonbrushes inthis unit with non A...

Страница 22: ...dust cleanitbeforeinstallingthenewcarbonbrush Uponinstal lationofthenewcarbonbrush makesurethetwistedwireisintheslotandbehind wire terminals on the holder as in the above right photo 7 Withthecarbonbrushholderremoved youcancheckandcleanthearmaturecom mutator Thecommutatoristhecontactpointsthatthecarbonbrushesrideonwhen the motor is running 8 Thecommutatorshouldbecleanandshiny Ifitisdullandblack yo...

Страница 23: ...esofthetool Turn the tool overandreplace the carbonbrushonthe otherside following steps 2 10 again 11 Afterbothcarbonbrusheshavebeenreplaced youcanreassembletherearhandle assembly Theswitchsideshouldbeinstalledfirst Makesurethepowerwiresarein theslotabovethesoftstarterassemblyandthesoftstarterassemblyisinitsholder to prevent the pinching of the wire 12 Hand tightenthefourself tappingscrewsinthehan...

Страница 24: ...ionmaydecreasetherotationspeedoftheofthemotorwhichreducesthe efficiency of the dust suction because its power is driven by the spindle INSPECTING THE GRINDING WHEEL 1 Ifyouarereinstallingthegrindingwheel checktheweldsonthediamondsegments for cracks 2 Check the diamond segments for even wear 3 Thegrindingwheelshouldbereplacedifyoufindacrackintheweldorifthediamond segments are worn down and below th...

Страница 25: to the hub and there are no visible diamond chips 3 Youalsoneedtocheckthegrindingwheelanddiamondsegmentsforchips cracks in the welds or missing segments 4 Continuingtousethegrindingwheelwhenitisinneedofreplacementwillprematurely wear out the brush assembly and the system will not work efficiently DANGER Do not use a grinding wheel that is chipped cracked or missing diamond segments Diamond Segm...

Страница 26: ...the lock can fully engage 2 Withthelockfullyengaged turntheflangeboltcounterclockwisetoloosentheflange bolt with the flange wrench 3 Ifthegrindingwheelisturningduringremoval thentheflangenutisunscrewingoffthe spindle Removethecompleteflangeassembly Withtheflangeassemblyremoved usea 24mmor adjustablewrenchandthe flangewrenchto remove the flangebolt from the flange nut ...

Страница 27: ...ely or re used if still in good condition 2 CleantheinsideoftheDrivePlateAdapterandcheckforwear Ifthesquarearboris worn itwillpreventthegrindingwheelfromfloatingontheflangenut andshouldbe replaced 3 Place the Drive PlateAdapter onto the new Diamond Grinding Wheel and align the holes AsmalldropofLoctitethreadlockshouldbeappliedtoeachscrewtokeepit fromloosening Tighteneachscrewuntilseated thengoback...

Страница 28: ...erfanbeltandcoverinstalled youcannowinstallthespringloadedflange and grinding wheel 2 Install the lower spring retainer spring and upper spring retainer Note TheSpringLoadedFlangeAssemblyonlyworkswiththe26mmarborgrindingwheel DSQ0500 and the drive plate adapter A7 8 round hole arbor will just spin on the flange nut Flange Nut Lower Spring Retainer Upper Spring Retainer Spring Figure 28 Figure 29 S...

Страница 29: ... bolt on the spindle 2 While pressing in on the spindle lockbutton turnthegrindingwheel by hand until the lock is fully en gaged 3 Withthelockfullyengaged turnthe flangeboltclockwisetotightenwith the flange wrench 4 Withtheflangeboltandnut tightened checkandmakesurethegrindingwheelmoves freely up and down on the flange nut 5 Plug the unit in and test run to check for balancing before starting to g...

Страница 30: ... this will be indicated by a loss of suction TESTING THE UNIT FOR FLOW 1 A simple test can be done to see if the fan unit is working correctly 2 Disconnectthehoseandback flowpreventerfromthetoolandstandthegrinderup soitisrestingontheprotectivehousingandthetophandle Pointthefanexhaustin a direction away from you or anyone else 3 Turntheunitonandholdapieceofpaperovertheexhaustport Papershouldextend ...

Страница 31: ...nforgrindingwheeland flange installation and removal 2 RemovethePhillipsscrewusedtosecuretheinnerfanbeltcover Removetheinner fan belt cover to expose the inner fan belts and pulleys 3 Removetheinnerfanbeltbygrabbingitwithyourthumbandindexfingerandpulling it up while rotating It could take two or three turns to remove the fan belt Figure 35 Figure 36 Inner Belt Cover Phillips Screw Inner Fan Belt C...

Страница 32: ...event slippage REINSTALLING THE INNER FAN BELT 1 Reinstallthebottompulleywiththerecessfacingthespindleandhousing seefigure 38 Pressthespindlelockbutton seefigure25 whileinstallingtheflangenutand lock in place 2 Place the fan belt around the top of the large pulley guide the other side of the belt againstthesmallpulleywithyourindexfingerwhileturningtheflangenut Aftertwo or three turns the fan belt ...

Страница 33: ...d take two or three turns to remove the fan belt 3 Withthefanbeltremovedyoucannowcheckandcleanitusingamilddetergent The fan belt will need to be replaced if it is frayed or showing signs of wear 4 The pulleys should also be cleaned with a mild detergent 5 Rotate the pulley by hand to check for bearing play and wear Figure 39 Knob Bolt Outer Fan Belt Cover Outer Fan Belt Cover Figure 40 Outer Fan B...

Страница 34: ...urning and the belt should center itself 3 Reinstall the outer cover and tighten the knob screw 4 With both fan belts installed and the covers in place the unit can be checked 5 Withthespindlefacingtheworkbench startthemotorandcheckthefanoutputbag as it should fully inflate in a few seconds 6 After testing be sure to unplug the power cord before reinstalling the grinding wheel Figure 41 Outer Fan ...

Страница 35: ...35 ALPHA ECOGRINDER MOTOR SCHEMATIC ECG 125 19 116 10 18 2010 ...

Страница 36: ...36 ALPHA ECOGRINDER ATTACHMENT SCHEMATIC 105 10 18 2010 ...

Страница 37: ...33050 Woodruff Key 1 16 801022 Armature Retainer Plate 1 17 133053 Bearing 6201 2RS 2 18 801064 Gear small 1 19 801384 801635 Soft Starter Assembly 110V 220V 1 20 133047 Cable Sleeve 1 21 130031 Self Tapping Screw 3 9 x 19 6 22 133086 Cable Clamp 1 23 801116 Handle Right 1 24 801038 Switch w screws 1 25 801003 Motor Housing 1 26 801030 Carbon Brush Spring 2 28 801594 Carbon Brush 2 pc set 2 29 801...

Страница 38: ...pring 1 49 130395 Bushing 1 50 801071 Gear Housing 1 52 130096 Bearing HK 0810 1 53 801079 Self Tapping Screw 4 8 x 22 4 54 801058 Gear Big 1 55 801061 Washer 1 56 801067 Snap Ring 1 57 801063 Bearing Cover 2 58 801056 Felt Ring 20 x 27 x 1 5 1 59 801074 Gasket 1 61 801054 Bearing Housing 1 62 801326 Spindle 1 63 801330 Spacer Sleeves 4 64 801342 Knob Nut 1 65 801328 Main Casing 1 66 801344 Main C...

Страница 39: ...ew 1 83 801349 Flange Nut 1 84 801336 Pulley Outside Small 1 85 133502 Felt Rings D19xD12xT2 3 86 133492 Bearing 698 2 RS 4 87 133500 Bearing Housing 1 88 133498 Spacer D12xD8 5x4T 1 89 133505 Cap Screw M5 x 10 6 90 133497 Fan Case Right 1 91 133067 O Ring 25 5 x 2 2 92 133460 Self Tapping Screw 3 9 x 16 6 93 133493 Fan Case Left 1 94 801334 Fan 1 95 801335 Fan Shaft 1 96 133511 Knob Bolt 1 97 133...

Страница 40: ...M4x6 3 115 801385 Wire Field Coil to Block Terminal 1 116 130618 Block Terminal 1 117 DSQ0500 Segmented Grinding Cup Wheel w 26mm Arbor 1 118 DEC005 Segmented Grinding Cup Wheel w 7 8 Arbor 1 119 890001 ManualHeightAdjustmentFlangeAssembly 80 83 1 120 133615 Felt Rings D26 6xD12 5xT2 1 Not Shown 801392 Dust Bag for Carriage 16x13 1 2x8 1 121 801629 Inner Cover Gasket 1 122 801630 Dust Shield D60xD...

Страница 41: ...lpha Repair Center transportation prepaid Do not send tool accessories WARRANTY SERVICES AND WARRANTY INFORMATION LOANER PROGRAM LoanertoolscanbeissuedtotemporarilyreplaceatoolthatisbeingreturnedtoAlpha for repair If more than one tool is being returned for repair the number of loaner tools provided will be based on availability Ifaloanertoolisrequired contactAlpha ToolDepartmentat 800 648 7229tor...

Страница 42: ...ional Tools 103 Bauer Drive Oakland NJ 07436 Hours of Operation 8 30 a m 5 00 p m EST Telephone Number 201 337 3343 Toll Free Number 800 648 7229 FACTORY SERVICE AND TRAINING CENTER 3625 W Teco Ave Suite 5 Las Vegas NV 89118 Hours of Operation 7 30 a m 4 00 p m PST Telephone Number 702 837 9515 Toll Free Number 888 292 5742 ALPHA TOOL REPAIR SERVICE ...

Страница 43: ...essional Tools Type ECG 125 ECG 225 Does comply with the provisions of the Low Voltage Directive 73 23EEC amended by 93 68 EEC and Machinery Directive 98 37 EC And furthermore declares that The following parts clauses of harmonized standards have been applied EN55014 1 A1 2001 EN55014 2 A1 2001 EN61000 3 2 2000 EN61000 3 3 A1 2001 Year of affix CE Marking 2007 Oakland New Jersey USA Nao Takahashi ...

Страница 44: ... FLANGE ASSEMBLY Forthoseend userswantingtorunadifferentgrindingwheelontheirEcogrinder wemake a manual height adjustment flange assembly 1 Followthestepstoremovethegrindingwheel Oncethegrindingwheelisremoved youcannowstartthe installationandadjustmentofthe manualheightadjustment flange 2 Installtheadjustmentscrew locknut andadjustmentnutintothebottompulleyand spindle shaft as shown below ...

Страница 45: ...ightofthegrindingwheelorcounterclockwise to lower Go back to step three and check the air gap again Repeat until air gap is correct Note Youwillneedtocheckthegrindingwheelheightbeforeeachuse Asthediamond segmentsonthegrindingwheelweardown themanualheightadjustmentflange will need to be adjusted to keep the diamond segments just above 1mm air gap the top of the brush assembly Figure 44 Figure 45 Se...

Страница 46: ...themanualheightadjustmentflangeassemblytolocktheadjustnutin place on the adjust screw 7 Withthemanualheightadjustmentflangeadjustedcorrectly youcanreinstallwith thegrindingwheelandflangenut Fromthispoint youcanfollowtheinstructionsfor installing the grinding wheel Figure 46 Hold the Adjust Screw and Adjust Nut in place Turn the Locking Nut until it meets the Adjust Nut Adjust the Locking Nut ...

Страница 47: ..._________ City _______________________State ________Zip ________________ Telephone ___________________________________________________ Purchase Date _______________________________________________ Dealer s Name _________________________________ Note Serial Model Number must be included for proper registration 800 648 7229 Mail or Fax to Alpha Professional Tools 103 Bauer Drive Oakland NJ 07436 Fax...

Страница 48: ...Copyright 2008 Alpha Professional Tools All rights reserved 103 Bauer Drive Oakland NJ 07436 800 648 7229 Fax 800 286 0114 www alpha tools com 9 22 2010 ...
