Step 5: Install Back Heating Panel and Benches
5a. Locate the back heating panel and orient it so the LED light is facing up (Image 20). Line up the back heating panel such that its uppermost
slat sits in the uppermost groove of the side heating panels (Image 21). Connect LED (Image 22) and heater plugs (Image 23) and push flush
against the back panel (Image 24) so that the magnets on the back heating panel secure to the metal plates on the back panel (Image 25).
5b. Now locate and position the front bench heating panel and connect it to the remaining power source coming from the back panel (Images
26 & 27). Locate, position, and secure bench supports to the back, front bench, and floor panels using the provided wood screws (Images 28
& 29). Secure the 90-degree brackets to the front bench heating panel and bench supports (Image 30). Finally, insert upper bench section and
push it flush against the back panel (Image 31).
Image 20
Image 21
Image 22
Image 26
Image 27
Image 28
Image 29
Image 23
Image 24 Image 25
Image 30
Note: The upper bench section does not
need fastening, but if you wish you may
secure it to the front bench underneath
using 3-4” screws (not provided) in
between the bench slats. (Image 32)
Image 31 Image 32
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