29. Assembly HEATER FENCE
The Heater Fence consists of four precut,
vertically notched posts and six horizontal
rails that must be assembled before it is
installed to the wall adjacent to the heater.
The vertical fence posts have slots cut into
them for the rails. The two vertical fence
posts that go against the wall have slots on
just one face, as well as counter-bored screw
holes for attaching them to the sauna wall.
The two fence posts that sit away from the
wall will have slots cut into two of their faces.
Note the beveled ends on the fence rails that
go into the corner posts. The ends of the rails
that go into the fence posts that attach to the wall are square. Assemble the fence before attaching it
to the wall by placing the rails into the slots in the posts and using the supplied 1” nails as shown.
You may want to put a small amount of wood glue into the slots. Be sure to nail at an angle so that
the points will not go through the post. Countersink all nails. Once the fence is assembled, attach it
to the wall behind the heater using the supplied wood screws.
Heater Fence Assembly
Mount the heater as shown in the manufacturer's
instructions. The heater should be mounted on Wall Sec-
tion E, over the vents and 6” from the floor of the sauna.
All the necessary hardware is supplied with the heater.
Drill a hole below and behind the heater to run the wire
and/or conduit according to local electrical codes. The
heater will be hard-wired according the specific wiring re-
quirements for your heater.
Do not attempt to wire the heater yourself. Contact a licensed electrician in accordance with your
local electrical codes. Heater brand may vary depending on where the sauna was purchased. In-
stall sauna stones in accordance with heater manufacturer instructions.
Typical wiring requirements for up to 30 feet distance from the breaker box are as follows:
4.5kw-6.0kw heaters require 10-2 w/ground, copper only wire, and 30amp non-GFCI breaker.
8.0kw and 9.0kw heaters require 8-2 w/ground, copper wire only, and 40amp non-GFCI breaker.
Heater Installation