ALM-018 - ‘MUM M8’
General Usage
An audio signal is patched into either ‘In’ input. The upper input is controlled by a
VCA which can amplify signals into the the filter core. (and thus aid clipped distortion/
saturation to occur). With nothing patched into the VCA input, the thumb control will
control the audio input level - when patched in it acts as at attenuation control. The
audio signals will then be mixed and pass through the filter core output on the ‘Out’
jack on the bottom right of the module.
The filter core has both a controllable cut off frequency and resonance. The cut off
frequency offset can be controlled manually via the large white knob and by means of
voltage control through the the two ‘freq’ inputs. The bottom ‘freq' input has an
attenuversion control allowing both attenuation and inversion of the control signal. All
CV inputs and knob offset are combined together to set the final filter frequency cut
off. Resonance is controlled manually via the smaller knob control and via the ‘Res’
input and associated attenuator. The resonance can get particularly aggressive going
into self oscillation with the control past 12 o’clock.