ALM-011 - ‘Akemie’s Castle’
General Usage
Akemie’s Castle is a dual VCO with 4 FM operators. The operators can be combined
in various ways (the ‘algorithm’ ) and then routed to each or both VCOs as to produce a
tone for the respective VCO.
Each VCO’s base frequency is set via patching a voltage into the VCO’s V/Oct input.
This value is combined with an offset set by both the course and fine knobs (i.e as to
tune the oscillator). The audio tone in then output at the corresponding VCO output
There are 6 operator algorithm settings. The algorithms are stepped through by
pressing the blue button of the left of the control panel. An LED then indicates the
current selected algorithm. Each algorithm is represented by a small diagram showing
the combination of Operators used and the VCO output routing.
With the first two operator algorithms you essentially have 2 completely separate
VCO's each with there own 2 operators. With the remaining 4 you essentially have
a 4
operator duo-phonic VCO - the same algorithms and tonal config but a separate pitch
input, feedback (normalised to VCO A) and audio output. In all modes VCO A has the
ability to produce up to 5 voice chords.
The first two algorithms are simple 2 operator combinations for each VCO providing
each with either a parallel or serial type combination. In Serial the two operators
frequency modulate each other (operator 1 modulates 2), in parallel the two operators
are simply mixed together (No actual FM).
1 2
Serial - FM’d
Parallel - mixed