- Press
button to play or pause playing.
- Press button to stop playing.
- Press
button to play previous file.
- Press
button to play next file.
- Press the LEFT/RIGHT buttons to select MUSIC in the main menu and press OK for
- Use navigation buttons to select preferred file.
- Press the RED button to delete selected file.
- Press the GREEN button to add/remove all the files from the playlist.
- Press OK button to add/remove highlighted file from the playlist.
- Press
button to start playing.
During music normal playing:
Press the OK button from the remote control to display the toolbar; press EXIT to hide it.
- Press LEFT/RIGHT buttons to select preferred option in the toolbar and press OK button
to confirm selection/enter a submenu.
- Press the BLUE button to hide the on-screen display; press any button on the remote
control to display it again.
- Press
button to play or pause.
- Press button to stop playing.