1. While pressing the button 1 of the “WHY EVO”, at the same time press 4 times the 2
2. Release both buttons. Now the WHY EVO WHITE LED will emit a short flash every 2
3. Place the original remote control to be programmed in front of the “WHY EVO”, at
about 5 cm of distance (as shown in the picture). 4. Press and retain pressed the button
of the original remote control and wait for a change flash (as a faster flash) of WHY EVO
WHITE LED and a change of its color (BLUE) that confirms the correct learning of code.
This step may take a few seconds and during that the color LED is WHITE.
5. While the BLUE LED is flashing, press the button of the “WHY EVO” where you want
to program the code just learnt, and retain pressed until the LED will switch off. The
WHY EVO remote control will emit an extended sound “BEEP” for a reconfirmation of the
correct code learning.
6. The copy has been happened with success.
7. Activate now the correct procedure for the programmed model and insert the new
remote control on the receiver (see the compatibility list present in this manual).
• If the WHITE LED flashes only 3 times (of WHITE color) and switches off, the code has
not learnt correctly. Please repeat the operation from the step 1.
• The WHY EVO memory is completely re-writable.
• To duplicate further buttons of WHY EVO, please repeat the operation from the step 1
Duplicating procedures of WHY EVO TO WHY EVO:
1. While pressing the button 1 of the “NEW WHY EVO”, at the same time press 4 times
the 2 button.
2. Release both buttons. Now the WHITE LED of “NEW WHY EVO” will emit a short flash
every 2 seconds.
3. Place the “SOURCE WHY EVO” in front of the “NEW WHY EVO” , at about 5 cm of
distance (as in the picture 3 at the page 3).
4. Press and retain pressed the button to be programmed of the “SOURCE WHY EVO”
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