Issue 1737
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2. Remove the heating compartment access panel. Turn
the automatic gas valve switch to the OFF position.
Disconnect the gas supply and the two wires at the
gas valve.
Remove the burner box cover (if equipped). Remove
the four manifold securing screws. Slide the manifold/
gas valve assembly out of the burner box.
Replace the burner orifices with the provided gas
orifices. Torque to approximately 35 in-lbs. Do not
use sealant on orifices. Figure 4 and Figure 5 show
manifold/gas valve assembly.
DO NOT use pipe dope or any pipe sealant on gas orifice
Replace the gas valve regulator spring with the
provided regulator spring. See Figure 6.
A80 and 80G1 units with Nox inserts being converted
from natural to LP /Propane.
Remove the burner box assembly from the
vestibule panel.
Remove the screws which secure each of the
NOx inserts to the clamshell. Remove the NOx
inserts and reinstall the screws. See Figure 1.
Re-install burner box assembly.
NOx Insert
Re-install Screws
Figure 1. NOx Inserts
8. Re-install the manifold/valve assembly.
Thread provided brass fitting to gas valve inlet until
hand tight. Using properly sized wrench, tighten fitting
2 to 3 full turns being careful to position the side port to
allow clearance for the pressure switch and harness.
Never use channel lock pliers or a pipe wrench
on the brass fitting.
Some installations may require the pressure
switch and fitting assembly to be positioned differently
Thread the gas supply to the brass fitting until hand
tight. Using properly sized wrench to support brass
fitting, tighten supply line into fitting 2 to 3 full turns to
achieve leak free joint.
NOTE: Do not over tighten. (Maximum 3 full turns past
hand tight for ½” NPT per ASME B1.20.1-2013)
Thread pressure switch to brass fitting 2 to 3 turns
past hand tight, then wire as shown in Figure 7.
Restore the electrical power to the unit.
13. Inspect all sides of assembly. Turn on gas supply.
Immediately check the entire fitting surface and
assembly joints for gas leaks.
Affix nameplate conversion sticker next to unit
15. Complete the information required on the gas converter
sticker: date, name, and address. Affix sticker to the
exterior of the unit in a visible area.
Follow the steps given in the start-up and adjustment
Carefully check all piping connection for gas leaks. DO
NOT use matches, candles, open flames or other means
of ignition to check for gas leaks. Use a soap solution or
other preferred means.
Some soaps used for leak detection are corrosive to
certain metals. Carefully rinse piping thoroughly after
leak test has been completed. Do not use matches,
candles, flame or other sources of ignition to check for
gas leaks.
Brass Fitting
Low Inlet Pressure Switch
Figure 2. Gas Valve with Low Inlet Pressure Switch