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“Our network was seriously oversubscribed,” says Willis. “The
design we had was good enough for today, but as we add
computers and functions, it is getting slower and less reliable.
With a daisy-chained architecture, like we had, it was going to
be tough to take the network to the next level. So when we
needed to upgrade some of the equipment out at the Cedar
Hills facility, we decided to take the opportunity to streamline
and future-proof here in the central office. ”

Ken got right to work designing a solution. Foremost in his
mind was improving network performance expanding capacity
and maximizing accessibility. But they were also thinking of the
SWD strategic vision, which among other things seeks to max-
imize value for ratepayers through public sector efficiencies.

“In today’s environment, we have to be accountable for every
dime,” says Willis. “We look very hard at everything we do, and
try to do what’s right for the ratepayers. I always keep the
ratepayer’s point of view in mind – because I am one.”

Faced with finding a top performing, future-proofed solution at
a good price, the first phone call Ken made was to Keith
Hanna at Allied Telesis, Inc.

“Solid as Granite”

“I first used Allied Telesis in 1993,” says Willis. “And I’m
definitely a believer. In fact, there were suggestions that we go
with a Cisco system – the County offices use a lot of Cisco.
But if you compare the two products, Allied wins, hands-
down.” Why? “Allied Telesis products have equal or better
performance and a much better price,” he says, “And we’ve
had really phenomenal service and support. Whatever else we
did, I wanted to go with Allied Telesis products, if I could.”

So Ken spent some time with sales rep Keith Hanna, laying out
his network plans and requirements. Keith brought in Systems
Engineer Jason Patterson to analyze the existing network, and
create a design that would meet the SWD’s unique require-
ments.The first decision that needed to be made was how to
optimize the system to make the most of existing resources.
Patterson and Ken Willis sat down and drew up what the new
network would look like.

Allied Telesis Case Study: King County Solid Waste 


Page 3

Diagram 1: Before

Diagram 2: After
