Regulatory Compliance Information
Agency Approvals
The following agency approvals have been obtained for the LanEdge
OmniConnect MutliModem in the areas of Safety, and EMC. Note that the
LanEdge OmniConnect MultiModem is not required to comply with FCC Part 68
and other telecommunications requirements since it is not directly connected to
the PTT (Public Telephone and Telegraph).
UL 1950, CSA 22.2 No. 950, EN 60950, EN 41003
FCC Part 68, FCC Class B, Canada ICES-003 Issue 2 Class B,
EN 55022 Class B (CISPR22 B), EN50082-1, VCCI Class 2
CE Marking Directive
The CE mark signifies that the product meets the European Directive 73/23/EEC,
and 89/336/EEC.
EMC Information
LanEdge OmniConnect MultiModem product conforms to the requirements of
Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 89/336/EEC. The installation
and maintenance procedures in the installation and configuration guide must be
followed to ensure compliance with these regulations.
EN55022B Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
equipment pursuant of EN55022. Class B equipment is information technology
equipment which satisfies the Class B interference limits. Such equipment should
not be subject to restrictions on its sale and is generally not subject to restrictions
on its use.